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Release plan

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Paul Thornthwaite

Mar 25, 2015, 4:49:19 AM3/25/15

The core team have decided to try and schedule a release each month on a fixed day. This is to allow fog's users and developers time to plan for the release.

We have decided to aim for the 1st Thursday of the month for releases.

This covers:

It relates to MAJOR and MINOR releases, whichever is due next. POINT releases will be pushed as needed to deal with urgent fixes. MAJOR, MINOR and POINT as defined by semantic versioning

So this new policy will start Thursday 2nd April 2015

Subject to personal circumstances Wes may release code a few days earlier.

The current schedule should be available on the milestones page.

At this time we are not planning a feature freeze window or issuing release candidates. If this would be valuable to you let us know and we can evaluate the best options given other demands on our time and the release workflow.

Whilst we do not declare a feature freeze window, please allow a week for any PRs to be reviewed and hopefully merged if you need to make a particular release date.

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