DEBUG:keystoneclient.session:REQ: curl -i -X POST http://XXX:8776/v1/96b7fa2fb01c47bb884a1f97e091b8a0/volumes -H "User-Agent: python-cinderclient" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: TOKEN_REDACTED" -d '{"volume": {"status": "creating", "availability_zone": null, "source_volid": null, "display_description": null, "snapshot_id": null, "user_id": null, "size": 20, "display_name": "volfromsnap", "imageRef": "da5e5085-db75-4b0b-90fd-c82e887f4a1a", "attach_status": "detached", "volume_type": null, "project_id": null, "metadata": {}}}'
However, when attempting this with fog, the imageRef is not being sent:
Ruby code:
v = volume_service.volumes.create(size: 20, display_name: 'tester123', display_description: 'Fog Testing1', options: {imageRef: 'da5e5085-db75-4b0b-90fd-c82e887f4a1a'})
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