Access / Updated cached data

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Mario Scondo

Oct 5, 2015, 9:39:12 PM10/5/15
to ruby-bundler
Bundler is able to downled a package index and to show spec details from the cached data.
That is quite similar to the behaviour of the major Linux package managers. But there is an issue that has a rising priority while the number of gems and their revisions is getting bigger. Every Installation of a gem is preceded by a download of the full package index. Installing 'Bundler' downloads the index archive. And the subsequent installation and upgrade of other gems is attended by the download of the package index.
The Linux package managers are handling this challenge deffently. Rusulting in faster installations and less network traffic.
Here is my My question:
* Where to solve this problem? Is Bundler responsible for triggering the recurring download tasks or are modules of the commandline tool 'gem' initializing the download?
Best regards, Mario

Andre Arko

Oct 6, 2015, 4:53:23 PM10/6/15
to ruby-bundler
Previously, the index was stored in a format that was very hostile to caching or updating. We have attempted to design a new format that is both cacheable and updateable, and we will be releasing a new version of Bundler that uses that format soon. For more background, see and
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