I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about your test setup, in particular:
1. Command line options used with any implementations
2. VM Setup
a. Does your Hypervisor utilize all procs?
b. How is your VM isolated from host OS activities?
c. Memory allocated to the VM
d. Do you run both Windows and Linux inside of said VM?
i. If not, could you so that those numbers could be somewhat comparable?
3. Do you have any scripts outside of the rbs repo that help with running the suite? If so, could you share them?
…there is no try
Yeah copies scripts to compare runs would be sweet :)
Maybe someone should add something like that to the repository?
Hi Jim,
I'm writing this reply so late (sorry!) that I don't fully recall all
the testing details. What I remember is that I didn't use any special
scripts outside of the RBS repo so there was quite a bit of manual work
involved. This is particularly true because the suite doesn't quite
report things properly out of the box on Windows. For example timeouts
don't work every time, and sometimes they are reported as nil. It would
be good if there were some efforts towards improving Windows support.
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