Progress -- Re: Stuck: RAD Hello World compile error

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Dec 5, 2009, 3:58:39 AM12/5/09
Progress ... I installed the "madrona-rad" gem, an older version of
Arduino (-015), and change the configs.yml with "*" on the serial_port
and atmega328 for the board. Hello world compiles and loads and runs
successfully now.

Strangely, the Arduino app itself will not run (OSX 10.5.6) due to
some kind of Java NumberFormatException error on startup.

Will "madrona-rad" become the official RAD gem?


On Dec 4, 2009, at 6:33 PM, Sophie wrote:

> It's me again...
> My Duemilanove board has arrived, Arduino 0017 environment installed
> and its Hello World/Blink loads and runs fine.
> I am using Ruby1.8.7 (still have the default OSX 1.8.6 around as
> well).
> I have the released RAD gem installed (not working off the github
> repository). I think something in my config may be incorrect. The
> "blink" program in ruby gives me this when I try to run rake:
> Any suggestions welcome.
> Thanks!
> ========
> > /usr/local/bin/rake make:upload --trace
> (in /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink)
> /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink/vendor/rad/init.rb:8: warning:
> already initialized constant PLUGIN_C_VAR_TYPES
> ** Invoke make:upload (first_time)
> ** Invoke make:compile (first_time)
> ** Invoke make:clean_sketch_dir (first_time)
> ** Invoke build:file_list (first_time)
> ** Execute build:file_list
> ** Invoke build:sketch_dir (first_time)
> ** Invoke build:file_list
> ** Execute build:sketch_dir
> mkdir -p /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink/blink
> ** Execute make:clean_sketch_dir
> ** Invoke build:sketch (first_time)
> ** Invoke build:file_list
> ** Invoke build:sketch_dir
> ** Invoke build:gather_required_plugins (first_time)
> ** Execute build:gather_required_plugins
> 0 of 17 plugins are being loaded:
> ** Invoke build:plugin_setup (first_time)
> ** Execute build:plugin_setup
> ** Invoke build:setup (first_time)
> ** Execute build:setup
> ** Execute build:sketch
> rake aborted!
> undefined method `add' for #<SexpProcessor::Environment:0x12dfb80
> @env=[{}]>
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/RubyToC-
> type_checker.rb:129:in `bootstrap'
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/RubyToC-
> type_checker.rb:119:in `initialize'
> /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink/vendor/rad/rad_processor.rb:10:in
> `new'
> /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink/vendor/rad/rad_processor.rb:10:in
> `translator'
> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/RubyToC-
> ruby_to_ansi_c.rb:126:in `translate'
> /Users/s/NetBeansProjects/blink/vendor/rad/tasks/build_and_make.rake:
> 90
> =====
> > more config/software.yml
> ---
> arduino_root: /Applications/arduino-0017
> > more config/hardware.yml
> ---
> serial_port: /dev/tty.usbserial-A9007NCO
> physical_reset: false
> mcu: atmega328p

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