Queue reference not deleted when queue deleted by the RabbitmQ server (auto-delete and last consumer cancelled)?

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Ionut Popa

Jul 26, 2019, 10:46:48 AM7/26/19
to Ruby RabbitMQ libraries

I was looking through he source of the library and I noticed that the queues reference is not updated if a queue is deleted by the server, for example in the situation where a queue is autodelete and all the consumers are cancelled.

The flow i use is:
1 create an autodelete queue,
2 bind it to an exchange
3 subscribe a consumer to it
4 cancel the consumer
5 try to create a queue with the same name (not created cached by ruby bunny)
6 try to bind it -> channel gets closed because of an exception -> queue does not exist

Is there a way for the bunny client to know if a queue was deleted by the rabbitmq server? or is there another more optimal approach to this?

Ionut Popa

Jul 30, 2019, 5:54:02 AM7/30/19
to Ruby RabbitMQ libraries
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