on_return does not answer information

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Marie S

Nov 6, 2018, 2:40:32 PM11/6/18
to Ruby RabbitMQ libraries
Hello everyone,

I am trying to use the on_return function according to documentation (http://rubybunny.info/articles/exchanges.html), however it is not working. I am using ruby 2.4.1, rails 5.0.1, bunny 2.12 and my code is the following:

puts "hello1"


require 'bunny'


puts "hello2"


connection = Bunny.new(host:, user: 'myuser', pass: 'mypassword')


puts "hello3"


channel = connection.create_channel

queue = channel.queue('hello')


puts "hello4"


exch = channel.default_exchange


exch.on_return do |return_info, properties, content|

     puts "Got a returned message : #{content}"

     puts return_info.inspect

     puts properties.inspect

     message = content



exch.publish('Hello World!', routing_key: queue.name, mandatory: true)



puts " [x] Sent 'Hello World!'"


And I get the following answer in console:
 [x] Sent 'Hello World!'

But nothing about the return_info, properties or content...

How is this?

Michael Klishin

Nov 6, 2018, 2:44:42 PM11/6/18
to Ruby RabbitMQ libraries
Your code publishes a message so that it is routable. Messages published as
mandatory by definition will be returned only when they cannot be routed to any queues.

In addition your code does not start the connect, although that might be a typo.

Here's an example that use a random routing key with the default exchange, which normally should not be
routed anywhere:

The handler is executed when I run it.

Marie S

Nov 7, 2018, 5:25:31 AM11/7/18
to Ruby RabbitMQ libraries
Thank you for your answer, indeed it is working when the message is not routed!
I would like to have a return also when the message is routed correctly, it is possible ? According to my tests, turning mandatory to false is not a solution...

Michael Klishin

Nov 7, 2018, 4:15:14 PM11/7/18
to ruby...@googlegroups.com
No, it is not. I cannot think of a reason to return a message that the publisher already has in case it was successfully routed?

On 7 Nov 2018, at 13:25, Marie S <msac...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for your answer, indeed it is working when the message is not routed!
I would like to have a return also when the message is routed correctly, it is possible ? According to my tests, turning mandatory to false is not a solution...

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