> On 16 Sep 2019, at 04:52, Dimitri Pekarovsky <
dimitri.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Michael, for response.
> I wonder to clarify my question.
> I've read in docs, that rabbitmq don't like when clients makes multiple connections/disconnects many times (this is like my app will connect to rabbit for every http request and then disconnect).
> Sure this is not the best strategy, it's just a starting point for my assumptions.
> So I tought, will rabbit hurt from when making mutiple queues/deleting em for every http-request? You answered about temporary queues, thank you.
Well, declaring and explicitly deleting a queue, as well as every binding, is a network round trip, so if you can rely on a predeclared topology,
that’s a lot less wasteful. However, it is not always possible. Modern RabbitMQ provide metrics of queue and binding churn.
Opening new connections and channels is unnecessary as the docs explain. Opening a new connection is *multiple* round trips and a TLS
handshake if you use TLS. High connection churn is a problematic scenario for every tool, in particular those that assumes long lived connections [1].
> > The biggest hurdle with Rack, which was originally based on a synchronous request-response model, is how to await for a response
> in a way that is not terribly inefficient or makes error communication really hard
> I save env to global hash, then return [-1, {}, []], which means asynchronous and then I can call the env['async.callback'].call from the bunny consumer when response is ready. By such manner rack keeps the connection up until the call of the callback.
OK, assuming that works as advertised this sounds like a good option. Would you be interested in putting together an example app, publishing
it on GitHub and announcing it on rabbitmq-users? I’m sure many present and future Ruby users would appreciate that :)