Rubber 3.2.0 Released

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Kevin Menard

Jan 10, 2016, 5:03:13 PM1/10/16
Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the 3.2.0 release of Rubber. This release was a
long time coming and I'll explain why in the next paragraph. 3.2.0
brings support for both AWS VPC creation & management as well as
DigitalOcean v2 API. I'd like to thank Dave Benvenuti for taking up
development of both features.

Now, I'd like to apologize for taking so long with this release.
Particularly, I'm sorry to the DigitalOcean users caught up in the
middle of this. Several things happened that were out of my control and
others that I simply should have managed better. The timeline is rather
long, but I'll surmise in bullet points:

- DigitalOcean released v2 of its API as beta. Less than a year later,
they killed off support for v1.

- The v2 API had issues (and still does in some areas), leading me to
believe they would run the beta for longer.

- DigitalOcean seemed to expect someone to volunteer to update the Fog
bindings to DigitalOcean for free, but that never happened. They tasked
an engineer with it a few weeks before v1 was set to shutdown. This
created a release process nightmare for Fog. Additionally, the first
couple released versions of these bindings were buggy (thanks again to
Dave for fixing some of them).

- Fog was in the middle of dropping Ruby 1.9.3 support and release Fog
2.0 supporting Ruby 2.0+ only. This meant anyone that relied on
DigitalOcean would also be forced to deal with a major Ruby upgrade.
This was not ideal, so Fog released another set of 1.x releases that
were supposed to support Ruby 1.9.3, but in the meanwhile gems in Fog's
dependency graph started requiring Ruby 2.0+ only. So, while Fog would
work on Ruby 1.9.3, it couldn't be installed. This put Rubber in a tough
spot because we still support Ruby 1.9.3.

- A separate Fog issue in its mock testing broke support for JRuby,
which meant Travis CI kept failing. JRuby is a supported platform of
Rubber, so this created yet another problem.

There was a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Those just watching
the Rubber repository wouldn't have seen it. And I was hopeful things
would get resolved quickly, so I kept postponing emailing the list. That
was a mistake and I'm sorry for not keeping you all in the loop.

I think an unfortunate reality is Rubber is going to be forced to
support Ruby 2.0+. I'll maintain the 3.x branch as long as is necessary,
but it's becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee successful
installation. Rubber 4 will be release shortly and target Ruby 2.0+.
Please let me know if this presents a major problem for your project.

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