Re: Announcement for Hiro (open source) / NEXTAGE OPEN users

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Isaac Isao Saito

Nov 11, 2014, 10:04:13 AM11/11/14
I got an off-line question about the following:

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Isaac I.Y. Saito
<> wrote:
> Important changes (action may be required)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> For NXO
> initial pose of the arm by the command robot.goInitial() is changed (to the
> same one Hiro uses). Please make sure your program works without hitting
> anything.

You can still use the "old" initial pose by
`HIRONX/NextageClient.goInitial(init_pose_type=1)`. For instance on
ipython terminal,:

IN[2] robot.goInitial(init_pose_type=1)

API doc:


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Isaac I.Y. Saito
<> wrote:
> Targeted readers of this email
> ================================
> The Hiro (#1) / NEXTAGE OPEN (NXO) owners.
> Those who are actively using the packages regarding those robots for
> simulation purpose.
> #1 Hiro robot by Kawada Industries is not bundled with the opensource
> software we're discussing here. TORK provides installation and support
> service for those software under the manufacturer's approval. Questions
> should be welcomed at info[a_t]
> Contents
> =========
> 1. Start new version announcement cycle.
> 2. Change log for packages (July 25, 2014), outstanding change.
> 3. Supported ROS distribution
> 4. Package update recommendation for robot owners
> 1. Starting from today, we will regularly send an announcement for the new
> released package versions regarding the robots in question (Hiro and NEXTAGE
> OPEN (NXO)).
> The typical email will only include the updated version number, and the
> links to the detail of the change; that said, unless there's a significant
> change (e.g. API breakage / action required / important new feature), we
> won't include in the emails the detail of the update. Example from this week
> should tell you how it looks like.
> Please subscribe Hiro / NXO users
> ------------------------------------------------
> I'm BCCing to the users of robots above as much as I'm aware as this is the
> first status update email. From next time I won't BCC to those. So please
> consider subscribing to
> 2. Change log for packages (July 27, 2014, diff since May 27, 2014).
> For ROS Hydro:
> rtmros_hironx 1.0.14 --> 1.0.18
> rtmros_nextage 0.2.12 → 0.2.15
> Important changes (action may be required)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> For NXO
> initial pose of the arm by the command robot.goInitial() is changed (to the
> same one Hiro uses). Please make sure your program works without hitting
> anything.
> nextage_ros_bridge.launch is removed. Use either
> nextage_ros_bridge_simulation.launch or nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch
> 3. Supported ROS distribution
> Currently for Hiro and NXO, only ROS Hydro on Ubuntu 12.04 is supported and
> will be so for at least a next few months. Good thing about it is also
> Hydro-12.04 combination will likely remain available for awhile.
> Thoughts for particular ROS distros
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Indigo is just recently launched. Since both Indigo and its platform Ubuntu
> 14.04 are LTS, we're planning to migrate our focus toward it, but not
> expected until later 2014.
> Groovy is planned to go EOL very soon [1], and also for a few other reasons
> we presume that few Groovy users exist in Hiro / NXO world.
> 4. Apt package update repository
> Some advanced users may be using a repository called `shadow-fixed`. If you
> have no idea of what it is, you're good and skip this section.
> To apt-get install the packages, please do NOT use shadow-fixed repository
> of, unless there's a need. Shadow-fixed repository is there for
> testing purpose for the developers before the official release.
> If you have any opinion or request please inform us either on/off line.
> [1]
> --
> !Happy opensource robotics!
> Isaac I.Y. Saito (齋藤功)
> Co-founder, Software Engineer
> TORK (Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai Association, 東京オープンソースロボティクス協会)
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