Eclipse + SVN

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Jan 9, 2011, 6:02:47 PM1/9/11
to rstep
For those who want to play with the jrStepGUI code and use the Eclipse
IDE, I have written a step-by-step installation guide for the
Subversive plugin. This plugin allows to access the rStep SVN

- In Eclipse open Help > Install New Software...
- Click the 'Available Software Sites' link below the Work with: input
- Enter subversive in the 'type filter text' field
- Select the (unique) line in the table below, then click the Enable
button on the right
- Click the Ok button
- In the Work with: field, choose the line about subversive (with the
pull-down list button)
- Check Subversive SVN Team Provider Plugin
- Hit the Next > button
- In the Install Details window, click the Next > button again
- In the Review Licenses window, accept the license agreements and
click the Finish button
- When it asks, restart Eclipse
- After restart, in the automatically opened Subversive Connector
Discovery window, check SVN Kit 1.3.3 and click Finish
- Then do as usual in the next Install window, click the Next >
button, accept the license agreements and click the Finish button
- If you have a security warning about an unsigned content, you may
want (or not) to continue the installation by clicking the OK button
- When it asks, restart Eclipse

- To create a new Java project from the repository look at the File
menu > New > Other...
- Open the SVN folder and double click Project from SVN
- In the URL: field, paste the following address and click the
Next > button and then the Finish button
- In the next window Click the Finish button and proceed as usual to
create a Java project
- If Eclipse asks for a Secure storage master password, enter a good
password, it will be used to encrypt your (Google) SVN server account
- If you're stuck on the Eclipse Welcome window, you'll have to open
the Java perspective (Window menu > Open Prespective)

Reza Naima

Jan 11, 2011, 5:28:47 AM1/11/11
Great docs!  I've added this to the WiKi:


Sunday, January 09, 2011 3:02 PM


Jan 15, 2011, 10:05:45 AM1/15/11
to rstep
After you've loaded the sources from the repository, you'll have to
configure the project for three things...

1. Use Java 1.5
- In the project Properties, in the Java Compiler "folder",
uncheck 'Use compliance from execution environment' and set the
'Compiler compliance level' to 1.5. I would have prefered to use the
lastest Java, but it seems to have problems on OS X and it forced me
to use the 1.5 version.

2. Add some necessary libraries
- Download the RXTX library at
. You'll have to get the RXTXcomm.jar file and one native library file
(the native library file is available in the subdirectory
corresponding to your OS version).
- Download the eventbus library at
. You'll have to get the eventbus-1.4.jar (you may be also interested
in the sources and javadoc files).
- In the project Properties, in the Java Build Path "folder",
select the Libraries tab and click the 'Add External JARs...' button.
In the just opened file browser choose, eventbus-1.4.jar. Do the same
for the RXTXcomm.jar.
- After the libraries have been added, unfold the RXTXcomm.jar and
fill the 'Native library location' property. You can do the same for
the 'Javadoc location' and 'Source attachment' properties if you have
the appropriate files.

3. Ignore some files to avoid to upload them when the project will be
- The files to ignore are the .settings directory and its content,
the .classpath and .project files. These files should be ignored as
they depend on your configuration options, OS, ...
- Open the Eclipse Navigator window (Window menu > Show View >
Navigator), unfold the project and right click the .settings directory
> Team > Add to svn:ignore..., click the OK button in the newly opened
window. Do the same for the other files.
> - In the URL: field, paste the following address click the

Reza Naima

Jan 15, 2011, 9:47:33 PM1/15/11
do you want to post this on the wiki or should I?  you just need to register your email to be able to edit.


Saturday, January 15, 2011 7:05 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2011 3:02 PM
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