[ANN] rspec-abq for running rspec test suites in parallel

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Dan Manges

Apr 17, 2023, 12:54:13 PM4/17/23
to rspec
Hey everybody,

We just released a new open source library for running RSpec test suites in parallel, either locally or across multiple CI jobs, and I wanted to share it with the RSpec community.

It’s built using bindings into ABQ, which is a universal test runner. ABQ wraps existing test suites to distribute tests using a message queue.



We’ve designed it as a drop-in developer experience. For example:

# without abq
bundle exec rspec

# add rspec-abq
bundle add rspec-abq --group test

# use abq to run the rspec test suite in 3 parallel processes
abq test -n 3 -- bundle exec rspec

Because ABQ wraps native test frameworks rather than replacing them, you can continue using the RSpec CLI and any of the options it supports, such as --tag or --example.

Unlike other libraries that split tests for parallel execution, ABQ will aggregate all of the results into a single report to make it easier to review failures across workers, especially when splitting across multiple CI jobs.

For more context see the announcement blog post and the documentation:



We have lots of ideas for additional functionality we could add to ABQ, and I’d love to hear from anybody who wants to chat about test parallelization or performance.

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