two new RRR projects at AMPPS

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Daniel Simons

Oct 17, 2019, 11:00:04 AM10/17/19
To people on the RRR announcements email list:

APS has just announced a call for contributing labs for two new Registered Replication Reports projects that will eventually appear in AMPPS. One is on stereotype threat and the other is on terror management.

Here is a link to the announcement:

Both of these project have been in development for several years. They just happened to reach provisional acceptance of their respective Stage 1 Registered Report manuscripts at the same time, so we're announcing both at once.

If your lab would be interested in contributing to one or both of these RRRs, you can complete the application form (Google Form) by following the link in project description. The announcement also includes links to the OSF project pages for these RRRs where you can view the provisionally accepted manuscript, the protocol, and other details. If you have questions about the projects, the announcement also includes contact information for the lead researchers on each.

Please forward this message and the announcement to anyone you think might be interested. You can also share it on relevant mailing lists and social media sites. And, feel free to email the lead researchers (or me at if you have any questions. Please do NOT reply all.


Daniel J. Simons, Editor
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS)
Psychology Department, University of Illinois |
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