Using "rrControl - Jobs -> Export selected Jobs as database XML" as a function

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Bahadir Arslan

Feb 10, 2021, 2:59:58 AM2/10/21
to 'Dave Fiala' via Royal Render Knights Tavern



I am working on a small script to export XMLs of the Jobs after each Job is finished. I am planning to run this as a post Job.

The form which the menu Option in rrControl->Jobs outputs the file exactly how I want. Is there a possibility to create the same form of the XML.

Because the <imageFileName>

Just requesting it from royal render. What I mean is, I would not like to custom create my XML by data picking items from the relevant Job,

but request it from the render farm. I could not find any python example script which provides the XML this way.


Another question would be , if I can not call what this menu action, should gathering Information via exportJobAsXml_MultiStart() (and related functions)

necessarily give me the correct „<imageFileNameVariables>“ after the job has already been finished?


Thanks for your time!



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Bahadir Arslan

Feb 10, 2021, 3:13:26 AM2/10/21
to Royal Render Knights Tavern
I have missed a part while copying and pasting,

Correction to my previous message: 
... Because the <ImageFileName> and <ImageFileNameVariables> has some complications (as you suggest in the output xml), I would prefer just requesting if from Royal Render. ...
Sorry for the mistake,


RR, Schoenberger

Feb 10, 2021, 3:18:15 AM2/10/21



You have to use exportJobAsXml().

For an example output, please select the job(s) in rrControl and right-click to export a submission .xml file.

This command is a python script that you can edit/view via right-click on a job as well.


> necessarily give me the correct „<imageFileNameVariables>“ after the job has already been finished?
This information does not change during a render.


The main difference between the database export and the submission is that rrJob options in the submission xml are in the Submitter Defaults File format. And the database export has them as xml nodes.

Note: Both are missing render informations like frame time.



Depending on what you want to do, you can use rrServer plugins as well.

Like Job Status Change, Notification or Event plugins:



Holger Schönberger


Please use the rrKnights Tavern
or our support system for new questions.

RR, Schoenberger

Feb 10, 2021, 3:21:56 AM2/10/21


If you do not get all the information required with our export function, please take a look at our Nuke plugin


There is a rrJob class that uses the python module xml.etree.ElementTree for a simple export of data into a .xml file.

Bahadir Arslan

Feb 10, 2021, 3:24:22 AM2/10/21

Thanks a lot!


I am now checking out your suggestions,


mit besten Grüßen,



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