Fwd: WØEEE 100th Anniversary Dinner: You are INVITED!

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Joseph A. Counsil

Feb 3, 2023, 9:59:57 PM2/3/23
to RRARS Google Group RRARS

Interesting opportunity!


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Subject: WØEEE 100th Anniversary Dinner: You are INVITED!
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2023 23:06:08 +0000
From: S&T w0eee <w0...@mst.edu>
To: S&T w0eee <w0...@mst.edu>
CC: Lyons, Morgan (S&T-Student) <morga...@mst.edu>

Good evening!


My name is Morgan Lyons, and I am the current president of WØEEE at MSM/UMR/S&T. We have your email on our alumni list, and I want to personally invite you to a celebration for the centennial of the club. According to the school newspaper archives, the club was officially founded in the fall of 1923. That makes us older than the FCC HIHI! When we realized this, we figured we should celebrate it in one way or another.


On Saturday April 15th, 2023 (two days after the ECE Academy Dinner), we will have a little get-together for the current and past members of the club. We will have an open house/shack to show off the current club as well as give alumni the chance to operate with a special events callsign (W9DUM, our first ever callsign) in the afternoon. That evening, we will get together at Alex’s Pizza Palace, a staple of RollaMo cuisine, for dinner, cake, and reconnecting with old friends. The cost to attend will be a $5 donation to the club to be paid at Alex’s. You will order your own meal for you and your family, but we will provide the cake. It will be a very casual event, no need to dress up if you do not want to.


I have attached the ‘Save the Date’ flyer for the event. On the flyer, you will find a link for the RSVP form (https://bit.ly/w0eeedinner) to let us know if you plan to come. Actual invitations will be sent out closer to the date. Also, check out the WØEEE Store (https://bit.ly/w0eeestore) where we have shirts, hoodies, hats, and many other items for sale. We are also selling club polos for $30 apiece to be picked up at the dinner. The link for the polo order form is https://bit.ly/w0eeepolo . Check it out!


We hope to see you at the Centennial Dinner on April 15th. We would like to increase the number of interactions between the club and alumni. Please share this email or the flyer with everyone you know that was in WØEEE! We want as many people there as possible. Feel free to message me at the email address below if you have any questions.



Morgan Lyons   KI5SXY

Junior, Aerospace Engineering

President, Missouri S&T ARC WØEEE

morga...@mst.edu | cell: 972-971-0255

Missouri S&T - 150 Years


P.S. Be sure to check us out on Instagram and Facebook!







Joseph A. Counsil
1310 Woodlawn Drive
Rolla, MO 65401
(573) 341-5186
Amateur Radio: KØOG
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