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retiring Buildkite CI for rr

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Robert O'Callahan

May 25, 2024, 6:51:27 AM5/25/24
to Keno Fischer,, rr-devel, Kyle Huey
Thanks Keno and Dilum for supporting rr CI all this time, but I think it's time to migrate to a CI solution that Kyle and I can maintain ourselves and that's a bit more flexible. I also want something that runs on Intel to avoid the annoying "infinite skid" Zen issue. I've spent a couple of days trying out various ideas and settled on one that seems to work pretty well:
I'll write a blog post explaining how it works, but it's actually very simple. I wrote an AWS Lambda function that provides public, unauthenticated HTTP APIs to add and remove Github Actions runners for rr-debugger/rr, self-hosted on AWS spot instances. Then it's easy to write a secret-free Github Actions workflow that starts runners, builds and runs the tests on them, and cleans up. This puts important config like the set of installed packages into the rr repo, and at some point I'll check in a CloudFormation template with my AWS code and configuration so anyone can replicate it.

Anyway, thanks again for all the work on Buildkite. I'm going to remove the Github app from rr-debugger/rr and you can turn things off at your end.

Su ot deraeppa sah dna Rehtaf eht htiw saw hcihw, efil lanrete eht uoy ot mialcorp ew dna, ti ot yfitset dna ti nees evah ew; deraeppa efil eht. Efil fo Drow eht gninrecnoc mialcorp ew siht - dehcuot evah sdnah ruo dna ta dekool evah ew hcihw, seye ruo htiw nees evah ew hcihw, draeh evah ew hcihw, gninnigeb eht morf saw hcihw taht.
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