Linking Identity between WordPress primary domain and ASP MVC sub domain

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Doug Robertson

Nov 16, 2011, 9:29:35 PM11/16/11
I am looking to use Janrain as the User Management solution on a training and education website that has multiple sub domains.  The primary domain is a Wordpress site (example).  The subdomains are ASP.NET MVC style sites such as
My goal is to be able to have users log into the Wordpress primary site and then based on authorization levels be able to link to the other ASP MVC based sub domians. 
The questions I have are;
1. Will the user be able to traverse to the subdomain without re-logging in?
2. Can I redirect an unauthenticated user trying to access the tools sub domain to the Wordpress login page then send then back to the page they were originally looking for?
3. Are there any challenges using Janrain in Wordpress & ASP.NET MVC in the way I am describing?
4.  What version of Janrain would I need to make this scenario work if I am starting with less than 1000 users? 
Thanks ahead of time to anyone who is willing to help

Zach Zack

Jan 2, 2012, 4:57:45 PM1/2/12
So far, it appears that whitelisting * and will keep a user logged in under that domain. As far as handling authentication level, you may have to handle userlevels on your side with the basic plan. The login landing page should be able to handle the user once you have their profile data. Keep track of which subdomain the user came from, and you should have no problems with this. Although I am not sure if Wordpress will work out of the box with this, you should be able to modify it to fit your needs.
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