Losing times from 'Timestamp without time zone'

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John Payne

May 6, 2016, 12:40:02 PM5/6/16
to RPostgreSQL Development and Discussion List
I've run into some strange behavior while loading a medium-large (400K rows) PostgreSQL data set into R, using RPostgreSQL.  The data include date/times in a column with the PostgreSQL data type 'Timestamp without time zone'.  When I load a small subsection of the data set, everything works properly.  When I load the whole data set, the times are lost and the resulting column in R is a POSIXct object that only has the date part of the timestamp (for example, '2014-03-21 08:44:17' becomes '2014-03-21').  I've confirmed that it's not just an issue of how the times are displayed; they really are missing.

I can work around it by exporting the PostgreSQL table to .csv and then importing the .csv file into R, but I wanted to document the behavior in case others are having similar troubles.

Thanks everyone for your work on the library, which has been very useful to me in the past.

Andrew Newnham

May 9, 2016, 6:54:31 PM5/9/16
to RPostgreSQL Development and Discussion List
We have the same problem. From memory the issue occurs when timezones change (e.g. daylight savings), which is perhaps why subsets work for you.

By default now we use a workaround: casting any datetime to a character string (via to_char) and then parsing dates with lubridate::ymd_hms.

John Payne

May 10, 2016, 6:47:09 PM5/10/16
to RPostgreSQL Development and Discussion List
Thanks Andrew, that's useful.  I note an earlier comment that seems to suggest that this Google Groups page has been replaced by the Github issues page, so I'm going to copy the question there.
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