RS-DBI over SSL?

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Bibudh Lahiri

Oct 4, 2012, 12:03:07 PM10/4/12

   I have been using RPostgreSQL for a while. Our company made some changes to the DB today and said we must have SSL enabled now in our configuration to connect. I don't have a problem connecting to the PostgreSQL command line (with "psql") but can't make a connection from R. Is there a way in RS-DBI to make the connection using SSL, like the way we can add a "?ssl=true" parameter in RJDBC? I ran this by Dirk and he suggested I post it here.



Oct 4, 2012, 8:05:53 PM10/4/12
to, NISHIYAMA Tomoaki

I don't have a problem connecting to the PostgreSQL command line (with "psql") but can't make a connection from R. Is there a way in RS-DBI to make the connection using SSL,

Dirk wrote:
So if psql can connect, RPostgreSQL should. You need to be more specific
about setup.

This is very important point. 
What platform are you using? How is the libpq configured?
Is it linked with libopenssl or libcrypt?

Without such information, nobody can understand your situation.

Joe Conway

Oct 4, 2012, 8:25:10 PM10/4/12
to, Bibudh Lahiri
I don't know offhand what is explicitly supported by RPostgreSQL, but
since it uses libpq under the covers, all the built in functionality of
libpq is available. So for example, one option would be to set the
PGSERVICE environment variable, and set the appropriate parameters in
the service file pointed to by it.

See libpq environment variables here:

See info on the service file here:

See libpq connection parameters here, especially sslmode:

See libpq ssl support details:



Joe Conway
credativ LLC:
Linux, PostgreSQL, and general Open Source
Training, Service, Consulting, & 24x7 Support


Nov 17, 2012, 8:35:09 AM11/17/12

I'm new to R and RPostgreSQL, and I guess I was encountered the same situation.

I have tried two ways to attempt enabling SSL, but RPostgreSQL did not accept my connection string as followings. (Sorry, these error messages are written in Japanese, because I'm not sure how I can switch the language to English.)

> con <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), host= "dbhost", port="5432", user="snaga", password="", dbname="snaga", sslmode="require")
 以下にエラー postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
   使われていない引数 (sslmode = "require

> con <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL(), host= "dbhost", port="5432", user="snaga", password="", dbname="snaga")
 以下にエラー postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) :
  RS-DBI driver: (could not connect snaga@dbhost on dbname "snaga"

I looked into the source code of RPostgreSQL, and I found that a connection function, RS_PostgreSQL_connectionInfo(), does not accept several connection options, which are allowed in the libpq (PostgreSQL native connection library) functions.

s_object *
RS_PostgreSQL_connectionInfo(Con_Handle * conHandle)
    S_EVALUATOR PGconn * my_con;
    RS_PostgreSQL_conParams *conParams;
    RS_DBI_connection *con;
    s_object *output;
    Sint i, n = 7 /*8 */ , *res, nres;
    char *conDesc[] = { "host", "user", "dbname",
        "serverVersion", "protocolVersion",
        "backendPId", "rsId"

This function allows "host", "user", "dbname", etc, but there are more options being allowed in the libpq, including ones related to SSL features.

PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Database Connection Control Functions

AFAIK, at least, "sslmode" and "requiressl" must be accepted in the connection function, RS_PostgreSQL_connectionInfo(), to support SSL connections.

And, PQsetdbLogin(), which is used in RS_PostgreSQL_newConnection() function, would set many connection options to the defaults for convenience, including "sslmode" and "requiressl". So, to allow SSL options in RPostgreSQL, PQconnectdb() should be used instead of PQsetdbLogin().

    my_connection = PQsetdbLogin(host, port, options, tty, dbname, user, password);

    if (PQstatus(my_connection) != CONNECTION_OK) {
        char buf[1000];
        sprintf(buf, "could not connect %s@%s on dbname \"%s\"\n", PQuser(my_connection), host?host:"local", PQdb(my_conne\
        RS_DBI_errorMessage(buf, RS_DBI_ERROR);

Would it be possible to support these options for SSL in the near future?


Satoshi Nagayasu <>
Uptime Technologies, LLC.

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Nov 17, 2012, 9:51:04 AM11/17/12
to, snaga


Thanks for the thouhgtful and well-researched proposal.

On 17 November 2012 at 05:35, snaga wrote:
| This function allows "host", "user", "dbname", etc, but there are more options
| being allowed in the libpq, including ones related to SSL features.

One part of the problem is that the DBI protocol provides a framework. I
guess would we could extend with extra optional parameters but ...

| PostgreSQL: Documentation: 9.1: Database Connection Control Functions
| AFAIK, at least, "sslmode" and "requiressl" must be accepted in the connection
| function, RS_PostgreSQL_connectionInfo(), to support SSL connections.
| And, PQsetdbLogin(), which is used in RS_PostgreSQL_newConnection() function,
| would set many connection options to the defaults for convenience, including
| "sslmode" and "requiressl". So, to allow SSL options in RPostgreSQL,
| PQconnectdb() should be used instead of PQsetdbLogin().
| ----------------------------------------------------------------
| my_connection = PQsetdbLogin(host, port, options, tty, dbname, user,
| password);
| if (PQstatus(my_connection) != CONNECTION_OK) {
| char buf[1000];
| sprintf(buf, "could not connect %s@%s on dbname \"%s\"\n", PQuser
| (my_connection), host?host:"local", PQdb(my_conne\
| ction));
| RS_DBI_errorMessage(buf, RS_DBI_ERROR);
| }
| ----------------------------------------------------------------
| Would it be possible to support these options for SSL in the near future?

... this would require linking with ssl for every build which is suboptimal.

Can you consider the alternative of using ssh tunnels? I know that within
the Debian project a few Postgresql databases are being made available to
developers --- and the access is via ssh + tunnel providing the illussion of
two normal local ports, connected safely with a ssh connection bridging
them. I have been meaning to look for a good HOWTO on this as I did set it
up once or twice for my use but that was a long time ago. Anybody have any
pointers? We could at least document this...


Dirk Eddelbuettel | |

Satoshi Nagayasu

Nov 17, 2012, 10:58:46 AM11/17/12
to, Dirk Eddelbuettel
Hi Dirk,
Yeah, of course, it could be considerable, but I still prefer using SSL.

BTW, I'm curious why RPostgreSQL is having own copy of the libpq code
instead of having a dynamic-link to the external libpq library.

If RPostgreSQL links to the libpq dynamically, I guess some of
dependency issues you mentioned could be solved.

Any reason to avoid a dynamic-link?

Paul Gilbert

Nov 17, 2012, 7:41:26 PM11/17/12
to, Satoshi Nagayasu, Dirk Eddelbuettel
I've had relatively poor luck with this sort of thing, and cannot speak
from personal experience regarding SSL, but the documentation suggests
that this information can be passed directly to the driver using
environment variables. That is, no changes are necessary in R, you just
need to set environment variables:

PGSSLMODE 'sslmode' # or something else, there are several options
PGSSLKEY 'sslkey'

Please report back if you get it to work, I'm curious to know.


Dirk Eddelbuettel

Nov 17, 2012, 8:05:17 PM11/17/12
to Satoshi Nagayasu,, Dirk Eddelbuettel

Hi Satoshi,

On 18 November 2012 at 00:58, Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:
| BTW, I'm curious why RPostgreSQL is having own copy of the libpq code
| instead of having a dynamic-link to the external libpq library.
| If RPostgreSQL links to the libpq dynamically, I guess some of
| dependency issues you mentioned could be solved.

Point taken.

| Any reason to avoid a dynamic-link?

It makes the build easier and more portable. If we had the external library
on Windows, folks would have to install it too, and this tends to be over the
head of many users.

If you really need/want ssl, you could try a local package, suitably

Satoshi Nagayasu

Nov 17, 2012, 11:15:01 PM11/17/12
to Paul Gilbert,, Dirk Eddelbuettel
(2012/11/18 9:41), Paul Gilbert wrote:
> I've had relatively poor luck with this sort of thing, and cannot speak
> from personal experience regarding SSL, but the documentation suggests
> that this information can be passed directly to the driver using
> environment variables. That is, no changes are necessary in R, you just
> need to set environment variables:
> PGSSLMODE 'sslmode' # or something else, there are several options
> PGSSLKEY 'sslkey'
> Please report back if you get it to work, I'm curious to know.

Unfortunately, it does not work.
Please take a look at my report in the next mail.


Satoshi Nagayasu

Nov 17, 2012, 11:15:51 PM11/17/12
to Dirk Eddelbuettel,
(2012/11/18 10:05), Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 18 November 2012 at 00:58, Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:
> | BTW, I'm curious why RPostgreSQL is having own copy of the libpq code
> | instead of having a dynamic-link to the external libpq library.
> |
> | If RPostgreSQL links to the libpq dynamically, I guess some of
> | dependency issues you mentioned could be solved.
> Point taken.
> | Any reason to avoid a dynamic-link?
> It makes the build easier and more portable. If we had the external library
> on Windows, folks would have to install it too, and this tends to be over the
> head of many users.

I understood.

I found an interesting thing when trying SSL both on Windows and Linux.

RPostgreSQL/Windows does not allow me to establish SSL connection.
However, RPostgreSQL/Linux can establish SSL connection without any
additional option or configuration.

Server log while trying from Windows.
[2012-11-18 12:54:52 JST] 31652: LOG: connection received:
host=xxx.yyy.69.237 port=45342
[2012-11-18 12:54:52 JST] 31652: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host
"xxx.yyy.69.237", user "snaga", database "postgres", SSL off

Server log while trying from Linux.
[2012-11-18 12:44:14 JST] 31604: LOG: connection received:
host=xxx.yyy.69.237 port=1478
[2012-11-18 12:44:14 JST] 31604: LOG: connection authorized: user=snaga
[2012-11-18 12:47:31 JST] 31604: LOG: could not receive data from
client: Connection reset by peer
[2012-11-18 12:47:31 JST] 31604: LOG: disconnection: session time:
0:03:16.619 user=snaga database=postgres host=xxx.yyy.69.237 port=1478

And I confirmed that RPostgreSQL/Linux uses an external libpq
[snaga@devsv02 src]$ ldd
/usr/lib64/R/library/RPostgreSQL/libs/ | grep pgsql => /usr/pgsql-9.0/lib/ (0x00002afa1888a000)
[snaga@devsv02 src]$

So, I guess RPostgreSQL/Windows, including its own copy of libpq,
seems to be built without SSL support.

Unfortunately, I'm not good at development on Windows, so it's
difficult for me to clarify how RPostgreSQL/Windows binary is built.

> If you really need/want ssl, you could try a local package, suitably
> modified.

Yes. I understood.

Thanks for your help.

Tomoaki Nishiyama

Nov 18, 2012, 1:10:23 AM11/18/12
to, Satoshi Nagayasu, Tomoaki Nishiyama
Hi Satoshi,

The included copy of libpq is for specific environment like
Windows and MacOS where we want to provide binaries.
In standard installation from source, the system libpq is will be used.

Then the SSL should work if the libpq is linked with libssl at compile time
on UNIX oses. However, it could be difficult to support in Windows vers.

The libpq was copied from PostgreSQL-9.1.1 configured under a MingW64
envirionment. If you know how to compile SSL supporting PostgreSQL
server and clients on Windows you should be able to make a SSL
supporting RPostgreSQL

Shifting to PQconnectdbParams/PQconnectdb is probably the right way,
irrespective of the SSL issue, if anyone
writes the proper test and then change the code.

Best regards,


Satoshi Nagayasu

Nov 18, 2012, 6:07:27 AM11/18/12
to Tomoaki Nishiyama,
2012/11/18 15:10, Tomoaki Nishiyama wrote:
> The included copy of libpq is for specific environment like
> Windows and MacOS where we want to provide binaries.
> In standard installation from source, the system libpq is will be used.
> Then the SSL should work if the libpq is linked with libssl at compile time
> on UNIX oses. However, it could be difficult to support in Windows vers.

Yeah, I know that it would be enough reasonable.

> The libpq was copied from PostgreSQL-9.1.1 configured under a MingW64
> envirionment. If you know how to compile SSL supporting PostgreSQL
> server and clients on Windows you should be able to make a SSL
> supporting RPostgreSQL

BTW, would it be considerable to distribute RPostgreSQL Windows binary
with bundling a few additional library files, such as libpq.dll?

From my point of view, as a PostgreSQL developer, allowing dynamic
link in RPostgreSQL/Windows and distributing it with additional DLL
files would be another reasonable way to fully support libpq
functionality in RPostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Windows binary is distributed by EnterpriseDB, and
it includes several library files (libpq.dll, libpq.lib and so on)
with supporting SSL. So, I think using those external libraries
(and bundling them) could be a better option to allow RPostgreSQL
to support SSL and other stuff.

Is it worth trying? Any comments?


Tomoaki Nishiyama

Nov 18, 2012, 7:28:12 AM11/18/12
to, Satoshi Nagayasu, Tomoaki Nishiyama

> From my point of view, as a PostgreSQL developer, allowing dynamic
> link in RPostgreSQL/Windows and distributing it with additional DLL
> files would be another reasonable way to fully support libpq functionality in RPostgreSQL.

Because the CRAN policy requires the package are made from source code,
the condition is that you can make the DLL from the source files
on the

The other consideration is that the license of the library should be
compatible with GPL.

If these conditions are met, inclusion of part of the libssl might worth to try.

Best regards,

Advanced Science Research Center,
Kanazawa University,
13-1 Takara-machi,
Kanazawa, 920-0934, Japan

Dirk Eddelbuettel

Nov 18, 2012, 9:20:24 AM11/18/12
to, Satoshi Nagayasu, Tomoaki Nishiyama

Hi Satoshi and Tomoaki,

Very nice and focused discussion.

On 18 November 2012 at 21:28, Tomoaki Nishiyama wrote:
| Hi,
| > From my point of view, as a PostgreSQL developer, allowing dynamic
| > link in RPostgreSQL/Windows and distributing it with additional DLL
| > files would be another reasonable way to fully support libpq functionality in RPostgreSQL.
| Because the CRAN policy requires the package are made from source code,
| the condition is that you can make the DLL from the source files
| on the
| The other consideration is that the license of the library should be
| compatible with GPL.

That is spot on.

For the CRAN package RPostgreSQL, the current setup developed by Tomoaki is
the best we can do. [ And it is in fact way better than eg the MySQL mess
where people still struggle to get it going on Windows, even after all these
years ... But we all "know" and are happy PostgreSQL users :) ]
| If these conditions are met, inclusion of part of the libssl might worth to try.

There in fact incompatibility issues at the license level which is why Debian
offers three different implementations:

original openssl (which AFAIK cannot be used with GPL code) in libssl-dev

the gnutls replacement in packages libgnutls28-dev and libgnutls26-dev

a newer entrant from the Mozilla folks called call nss in libnss3-dev

A bit of a mess.

So I think to help the Windows users, a fork off CRAN, available via a
third-party repo, which contains additional dlls is the cleanest way.

Satoshi Nagayasu

Nov 18, 2012, 9:09:28 PM11/18/12
to, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Tomoaki Nishiyama

2012/11/18 23:20, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> Hi Satoshi and Tomoaki,
> Very nice and focused discussion.
> On 18 November 2012 at 21:28, Tomoaki Nishiyama wrote:
> | Hi,
> |
> | > From my point of view, as a PostgreSQL developer, allowing dynamic
> | > link in RPostgreSQL/Windows and distributing it with additional DLL
> | > files would be another reasonable way to fully support libpq functionality in RPostgreSQL.
> |
> | Because the CRAN policy requires the package are made from source code,
> | the condition is that you can make the DLL from the source files
> | on the
> |
> | The other consideration is that the license of the library should be
> | compatible with GPL.
> That is spot on.
> For the CRAN package RPostgreSQL, the current setup developed by Tomoaki is
> the best we can do. [ And it is in fact way better than eg the MySQL mess
> where people still struggle to get it going on Windows, even after all these
> years ... But we all "know" and are happy PostgreSQL users :) ]

Finally, I have understood where the issue comes from. Thanks.

> | If these conditions are met, inclusion of part of the libssl might worth to try.
> There in fact incompatibility issues at the license level which is why Debian
> offers three different implementations:
> original openssl (which AFAIK cannot be used with GPL code) in libssl-dev
> the gnutls replacement in packages libgnutls28-dev and libgnutls26-dev
> a newer entrant from the Mozilla folks called call nss in libnss3-dev
> A bit of a mess.
> So I think to help the Windows users, a fork off CRAN, available via a
> third-party repo, which contains additional dlls is the cleanest way.

It would make sense, and I will try it.

I'm going to meet an experienced PostgreSQL/Widnows developer
at the end of this month. So, I will ask him for helping us
build another RPostgreSQL/Windows binary with using an external
DLLs, which would be distributed outside CRAN.

Dec 24, 2014, 9:01:39 PM12/24/14
Hi Dirk, Satoshi, and Tomoaki - may I ask what the right solution is to connect to heroku postgresql database from R?

Looks like I just need to connect via SSL but I can't tell from your thread if a solution was found or not (or what that solution might have been) for the RPostgreSQL package.

Can you please let me know what you determined?


Thomas Grainger

Feb 18, 2015, 6:54:02 AM2/18/15
This is resolved see

simply do:

    pg_dsn = paste0(
        'dbname=', dbname, ' ',
        'sslrootcert=', cacert, ' ',
    dbConnect(RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL(), dbname=pg_dsn, host=host, port=port, password=password, user='username')

Jun 22, 2015, 2:47:06 PM6/22/15

Is there a way to do this without certificate validation? When I connect via a sql client, I just add this


How can I add these parameters in R?


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