2017 RPG Blog Carnival calendar now open

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Johnn Four

Nov 1, 2016, 9:45:27 AM11/1/16
to rpgbloggers, rp...@googlegroups.com
Hey guys!

The 2017 calendar just opened up for the RPG Blog Carnival. Would you be interested in hosting a month?

If so, pick a month, think up a topic, and email me back. It's a nice way to contribute to the community and get some traffic back to your blog.

To host the carnival is simple. On your chosen month:

1st of the month: Write a post introducing your topic. Link back to the Carnival main page. Use the carnival logo somewhere in your post. Send Johnn your post URL.

End of the month: Write a wrap-up post where you list each contributing blog and link to their post. Then link to next month's carnival post.

Bonus points:
  • Mention the carnival on social
  • Comment on contributor blogs
  • Reply to contributors on your carnvial post

Drop me a note if you are interested in hosting.


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