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Mª Purificación Ballester Navarro

Feb 5, 2024, 4:23:03 AMFeb 5
to R package GGIR
Dear all, 

I am experiencing some trouble when trying to start the function GGIR in my computer. 
After installing GGIR function, from which I am getting some errors, e.g., psych package. 

This is our starting code: 



This is the error we are getting: 
No files to analyse. Check that there are accelerometer filesin the directory specified with argument datadir

It recognises the package GGIR, however, function seems it does not exist. 

Thanks in advance for your kind help 

Jairo Hidalgo Migueles

Feb 5, 2024, 3:21:44 PMFeb 5
to R package GGIR

The error does not indicate that the function does not exist, the error is saying that GGIR cannot find any accelerometer file in the datadir. Make sure you have your accelerometer files located in "C:/Pura/Entrada" and that you ONLY have accelerometer files in that folder. If you have any other file, then GGIR would struggle to read the data in.


Mª Purificación Ballester Navarro

Feb 14, 2024, 8:55:08 AMFeb 14
to Jairo Hidalgo Migueles, R package GGIR

Thank you. Yes Jairo, in that Folder, there is only the .csv file that I already shared with you.
This one attached. 
We are getting that error message again. 

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Dra. Pura Ballester Navarro

Profesora contratada doctora

Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)


Grupo de Investigación en Nutrición, estrés oxidativo y biodisponibilidad. 

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Vincent van Hees

Feb 14, 2024, 11:19:51 AMFeb 14
to Mª Purificación Ballester Navarro, Jairo Hidalgo Migueles, R package GGIR
Hi both,

You seem to be processing an ActiGraph counts file, which requires setting some specific input arguments. Did you already correspond about that? If not, then I suspect that the problem is with not telling GGIR that it is a count file.

Best, Vincent

Jairo Hidalgo Migueles

Feb 15, 2024, 2:08:14 AMFeb 15
to R package GGIR

Yes, I now see that Pura contacted me via email and I already pointed that out, have you tried with the instructions I sent via email?

Additionally, in your email above you are using function g.part1 instead of function GGIR, which is the only function that the package expects users to call. You are not defining the arguments by name, which means that they are assigned by order, and in this case, your definition of "outputdir" is being assigned to argument "metadatadir" which is different. So, in summary, please use function GGIR instead of g.part1, define arguments by name which is safer, and use the specific arguments required for reading an ActiGraph counts file, you can find instructions in the documentation of the GGIR function, I attach a screenshot of an example:


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