MQTT Dash Problem with Multiple Zigbee Sensors

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Hil tronix

Mar 12, 2022, 4:55:15 PM3/12/22
to Routix
I have several Aqara Zigbee temp/humidity sensors that are connected to a Sonoff ZBBridge flashed with the Zigbee2Tastoma.  When I try to add more than one Zigbee sensor to Dash, only the last one updated will show a value, all the others sensor values are erased.

I can create a text widget for one sensor using the topic:
and the JSON path:
and it works fine.

When I add a second Aqara temp sensor widget, the topic stays the same, and only the JSON changes to access the second sensor, as follows:

What happens is that each time one sensor is updated, the other is cleared.  I'm assuming that this is due to the topic being the same, and when the widget can't find the correct JSON variable (because it's for a different sensor) it returns a blank result.

Is this a bug in Dash?  Should it simple be leaving the existing value alone if nothing is found in the JSON evaluation?  Or am I lacking the understanding to set up multiple Zigbee sensors on Dash when the topic strings are the same?

Thanks for any help or advice that can be offered.

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