Android 14 - Will MQTT Dash be blocked from being installed?

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Mehran Ahmad

Feb 8, 2023, 1:35:27 PM2/8/23
to Routix
MQTT Dash is my central point for controlling my home over mqtt with all my smart devices.  Starting with Android 14, Android will start blocking any apps that support older versions of Android < 6.0.

When looking through the details of MQTT Dash, it notes that it supports Android 4.0+.  Even if MQTT Dash does not implement utilize Android 4.0s APIs, this might prevent it from being installed on Android 14 and going forward.

This change makes sense from a security perspective as newer versions of Android introduced tighter security around controlling how apps can access android its subsystems.  From what it looks like, MQTT Dash might need a new build on the play store with a Minimum API Level >= Andoird 6.0

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