I'm an Android and iOS developer and i'm currently developing a map application for both platforms. I need to use vector maps because of the weight and there is no open source equivalent for maps forge under iOS.
So i have started the (huge) project to translate maps forge in objective-c and integrate it into RouteMe as a tilesource. I plan to put my code on github pretty soon and i would like to know if someone would be interested in this project ?
Also, does anyone ever try to do it before or would have any advice for me before i start some part of maps forge ?
Currently, i'm working on the map reader and it's going pretty well.
There is still some things that i find hard to understand about the rendering part but i am confident.
I don't know yet what i am going to use for the drawing (QuartzCore, Quartz2D, Cocos2d, OpenGL).
Any advice/help will be appreciate.
Jean-Baptiste Denoual