Tore Halset
unread,Jan 28, 2013, 9:48:44 AM1/28/13Sign in to reply to author
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to route-me
I want to have a untiled raster map layer on top of the tiles. The overlay is not tiled and should zoom/pan together with the tiles. The overlay content is a semi-transparent image fetched from a server.
With route-me core, I created this as a RMMapLayer and did a [mapView.contents.overlay addSublayer:..] and it worked fine, but how should it be done on alpstein? RMMapView._overlayView seem to be internal to RMMapView.
Tried to use RMMapView._overlayView and panning seem pretty good, but pinch does not scale the overlay image. Why does RMMapOverlayView has a moveLayersBy, but not a zoomLayersBy?
Tore Halset.