> - How can I set base lat-long coordinates for every tile?
> I.e.:I have just one city with 52 tiles coming from a big tiff.
That's a very good question. I actually have the same problem: I have
tiles for a specific area (including various zoomlevels) and I want to
use Route-Me to allow panning/zooming in this area (not the whole
world) and be able to place markers on the correct lat/lon position.
So far, I didn't come up with a good solution yet. Currently, I just
display OpenStreetMap tiles like in the SimpleMap example but I have
modified RMOpenStreetMapsSource.m so that it uses my custom tiles if
the currently visible area is covered by my custom tiles (otherwise
it just uses the tiles from OSM). However, it's not a good solution
since the scale of the OSM tiles and my custom tiles doesn't match
100%. Therefore markers that are placed using lat/lon are slightly on
the wrong position. Zooming etc. works fine though.
Ideally, I just want to display the area which is covered by my custom
tiles. This probably requires some adjustments on the projection
parameters and other tweaks. I played around with those but couldn't
figure out how to calibrate my tiles to the right lat/lon.
If anyone's got some hints, please let us know.
RMMBTilesSource. I'm running a customized version of mapbox/mapbox-ios-sdk which is a branch of the Alpstein/route-me code. But I've run it with the route-me/route-me branch in the past.