Well, it's official, we've been cancelled (again).

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Apr 3, 2008, 9:48:29 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
Well, it's official, the Starship Troopers Miniatures Game, upon which
we had placed the hope of raising our beloved series from the depths
of development hell and into the glory of completion, has been junked.
Mongoose "We couldn't properly market a product if our lives depended
on it" Publishing has suspended all miniatures production indefinatly,
effectivly shutting down the entire game franchise. After years of
botched development, poor marketing, constant revisions, and frequent
delays, Mongoose actually succeeded in destroying it's entire consumer
base for the game ALL BY ITSELF. What were the odds our favorite TV
show would be turned into an award winning miniatures wargame? Then
try to compute the odds that said game would fall to pieces despite
incredible success because of the incompetence of it's own company!

I think we need to contact a voodoo priestess and have the hex on this
show removed...

little luna

Apr 3, 2008, 10:24:58 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies

this bites, serusly who do we have to pay to get SOMETHING made....the
fan fiction is dieing the tv part is already dead now we lost the game

that is it we need hunt down the people responsible in Sony


Apr 3, 2008, 11:01:22 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
Well I've been doing some brainstorming about that. Perhaps it's time
we told Sony to go (insert your expletive of choice here) themselves
and just finished the show ourselves (insane, yes. impossible, no) It
comes down to this, are there any talented artists among us? I look at
it this way, we have three options:

A: CG. We find a crew to do the CG work. CG is alot cheaper than it
was eight years ago, but is still labor intensive and require the
right equipment and training.
Possibility: Unlikly

B: Animation. We could finish the show using traditional animation.
Animation programs for traditional 2d work are relavtivly cheap (I
have one), the trick is learning how to use the damn thing. But once
that hurdel was crossed, it's just an issue of drawing and scanning
the cells. Easier said than done, but building a collaboration on 2d
would be alot easier than 3d.
Possibilty: Maybe

C Webcomic. Just like it says. Finishing the show using a webcomic
would be the easiest and most inexpensive method. We could use any
style we choose (I would personally perfer NOT to use anime, thank
you)and production would not be a massive project. It could be done on
a monthly or bi monthly basis by a small number of people with little
or no cost. All we need is talent and determination. We could even
build multiple storylines, branch out. We'll write the show our way.
And as a plus, finishing the show as a webcomic would bring alot of
exsposure to the series. Hell, we could always start out easy, and not
even try to finish the story arc at first. Just have random and
amusing storylines featuring the main characters. It can work if we
put our minds to it.
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little luna

Apr 3, 2008, 11:03:36 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
i'm down for story don't forget we could do a fanfic finish if it
looks like we have no talant


Apr 3, 2008, 11:19:30 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
Well I'm all for fanfics (I love em), but I'd like to take the concept
beyond that. The problem with fanfics is the only fans read them. And
as Roughnecks was such an obscure show to begin with it's unlikely
alot of people are going around looking for fanfiction for it. If we
don't find a way to expand awareness and love of the show beyond it's
core group eventually Roughnecks we be forgotten entirely. Webcomics
are a big thing right now, and will only get bigger. A Roughnecks one
would be a great way to raise awarness of the show ( I would love
nothing more than to steal the thunder from that stupid third Starship
Troopers movie coming out.)

Now I'm no artist but I have some sketches of the Roughnecks lying
around. I'll try and touch 'em up and post 'em on DeviantArt. That'll
give us a starting point. In fact, Deviant is an excelletn spot for
publicity as well. Currently there are only half a dozen pieces of
Roughnecks based fan art, and only one with an acutal connection to
the show. If we put more fanart up there I'm sure people would start
asking about the show. We can host the art here too. Heck, we can host
the comic here.

And I think'd be great to do a collaboration on the season ending with
you Luna. I'll dig out my notes.

I honestly think we're probably the two most dedicated Roughnecks fans
on the face of the Earth.
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little luna

Apr 3, 2008, 11:24:25 PM4/3/08
to Roughnecks Junkies

but ya i know some writers that should be willing to help, i also have
a TON of show snap shots and posters some i think coming from some
lost story line cuz i cant place them but ya i'm down for it. i know
the basic rundown of how it goes and all

Private Trung "T-bird" Hoang

May 28, 2008, 6:31:48 AM5/28/08
to Roughnecks Junkies


May 29, 2008, 3:53:38 PM5/29/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
my brother is a comic artist, he graduated last year with a degree in
media arts and animation.. he dont like cg too much but the webcomic
he might like


Jun 1, 2008, 8:31:52 PM6/1/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
That would have been pretty cool. Miniatures gaming does have a lot of
fans, so something like that could draw more attention to the series
and get other people aware of Roughnecks who might not normally be
interested in watching cartoons, 3d or otherwise. That said, we can
still have hope to have people take notice of it. You know, recently
ReBoot, another 3d show, is getting a revival. Mainframe (they made
it, also made Beasties/Beast Wars) was bought out by Rainmaker who
makes a lot of popular movies. They're giving it over to the fans to
choose what they want to happen, if that could happen to Roughnecks I
think it'd be seriously awesome. Roughnecks is more adult and serious
than ReBoot of course, but I still think it could attract a lot of
fans, especially adults or people interested in things based on
historical novels like the Starship Troopers series is. I think it
could help restore a lot of its reputation considering how the movies
bombed. Roughnecks is totally superior to them.

On Apr 3, 9:48 pm, Wolfblade <wolfbl...@md.metrocast.net> wrote:


Jun 12, 2008, 11:36:00 PM6/12/08
to Roughnecks Junkies
Webcomics would be awesome. If anybody does pencils and inks, i'm
willing to help out with the coloring if someone passes me
something. :)

I remember when the Starship Trooper comics came out a few years back
and they interviewed the guy writing the story. He basically said that
he was going to tell the story of this new guy because everybody
already knows what happens to Rico and the Roughnecks i.e. that
story's been told. And I basically just stared at the interview
going-- really?? in which trooper-verse did the war actually end and
show rico being the hero of the federation?

very randomly, have you guys seen ST3's japan poster. It looks great.
(too bad i have very low expectations for the actual film)

btw, i didn't know this group existed-- until today. And thanks tyciol
for that reboot news. loved reboot when i was a kid. its great to see
it back.

later days,
blue c 84

little luna

Jun 13, 2008, 2:20:56 AM6/13/08
to Roughnecks Junkies

I'm begining to see that "played out" thing going on. i have read
someo of the ocmics and it is not that bad, but the verse seams to be
more movie then show.
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