Groupbox Header not visible

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Ulrich Schaupp

Jul 4, 2024, 4:25:13 AMJul 4
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Tomas,

when I set groupbox there is no header visible and in propertys I cannot found how to set visible.
I work with version 17.7

Best regards

Tomas Rosinsky

Jul 4, 2024, 3:05:14 PMJul 4
to Rosi Delphi Components
my rGroupBox does not support custom styles currently. You can use default windows style.
I will implement TrGroupBoxStyleHook in the next version.

Dne čtvrtek 4. července 2024 v 10:25:13 UTC+2 uživatel Ulrich Schaupp napsal:

Ulrich Schaupp

Jul 5, 2024, 12:15:52 PMJul 5
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Tomas,
I'm rather irritated. With older packages it was possible to use the header with userdefined font and background
see here:
and now isn't it not working? Why not?


Tomas Rosinsky

Jul 5, 2024, 12:24:20 PMJul 5
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Uli, 

there was no change in my rGroupBox and it should work in last version as before .
I cannot explain reason of your issue because you did not provide any details. 
Do you use some Theme/Style in your application? If so, it is the reason, you have to switch it to defaul Windows style to see custom header. 
Custom style has never been supported for  rGroupBox.

If you do not use any Style and it is not working anyway, please send me some simple example (pas+dfm+printscreen) to check it in detail.

Thank you
Dne pátek 5. července 2024 v 18:15:52 UTC+2 uživatel Ulrich Schaupp napsal:

Ulrich Schaupp

Jul 5, 2024, 2:06:43 PMJul 5
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Tomas,

thanks for your reply.
In addition you will find my test program 
and screeshots from objektinspector.
The delphi version is 11.3 community edition.

Best regards
TRGroupBox_2.jpg TRGroupBox_2.jpg

Tomas Rosinsky

Jul 5, 2024, 3:01:44 PMJul 5
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Uli,

now it is clear. My component defines properties CaptionColor and CaptionFont which is used for all RAD version.
In the last RAD version standard GroupBox was extended by property HeaderFont which is not used by my component so your setting is not used at all.
Please try to set  CaptionFont as before and it should work.


Dne pátek 5. července 2024 v 20:06:43 UTC+2 uživatel Ulrich Schaupp napsal:

Ulrich Schaupp

Jul 8, 2024, 8:46:20 AMJul 8
to Rosi Delphi Components
Hi Tomas,

thanks for your reply.
I've tested the properties but they doesn't work how you write.
When I change the properties Caption.... there is no changing in color or font properties, but when I change HeaderFont, this change the font properties (bold, heignt etc) but not the alignment or height or backgrond of the headerpanel. (see example)
Test RGroupbox.jpg
Best regards
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