It’s time to start cranking out stories, unveiling historical articles and digging out great pics for the June 2017
The Tiller.
It’s my understanding that in September VCNS will celebrate 40 years, so let’s rev it up for a successful celebration.
In the last Sweep newsletter many upcoming events were highlighted. Articles and pics from them would be pertinent for the next Tiller.
I’m sure you already have fascinating stories waiting to be written and sent.
Well, it’s hard to believe this will be my third year as your editor. I am eager to get started on the layout, and I hope you are eager to send me info quickly. It all has to go to print the end of May to be ready for distribution in June. Time flies, doesn’t it!!
Looking forward to those great stories and pics.
Jeanette Brannan
P.S. If you notice that someone was left out from this email, please let me know.