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Fwd: Reminder: Tireless James 10/1

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Mike Neal

Sep 21, 2016, 9:12:31 PM9/21/16

FYI and as a reminder,

The Rose batteau is not going to go. Please don't hesitate to participate in the event it should be a great time!!!!

Mike Neal
Captain Rose of Nelson Batteau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Shaw <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 8:59 PM
Subject: Reminder: Tireless James 10/1
To: Andrew Shaw <>

Hey Folks,

We are less than two weeks away from the Tireless James.  We have five batteaux planning on making the trip, and I am hopeful to see many more of you out in canoes and kayaks.  Obviously the river is fairly low, so we are going to need plenty of folks in smaller vessels to bring tires to the batteaux so that batteaux crew can focus on getting down the river.  

The JRA is covering our camping at Horseshoe Flats, but we need to make a firm reservation so please let me know if you intend to camp and would like to be included in the reservation for dinner at the Tavern.  Batteaux should plan to shove off from Howardsville at 8 AM.  Both batteaux and canoeists should plan to gather at Goolsby's to help unload tires before navigating the falls.  

I am excited about the chance to drag boats over rocks, and maybe even get a few tires out of the river.  I hope to see many of you next Saturday!


Andrew D. Shaw

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