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Fwd: Tireless James - Saturday 9/30

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Mike Neal

Sep 12, 2017, 5:59:53 PM9/12/17
Please  respond if individually if you are joining the cleanup. As mentioned in earlier  email the Rose  batteau is not putting in this year.
Mike Neal 
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Andrew Shaw" <>
Date: Sep 12, 2017 5:52 AM
Subject: Tireless James - Saturday 9/30
To: "Andrew Shaw" <>

Hey Folks,

We are only a few weeks away from the Tireless James, which is scheduled for Saturday 9/30.  As previously stated, we will be floating from Howardsville to Scottsville, with camping available Saturday evening as well as VCNS annual conference actives to attend. 

Please let me know if you plan to attend the tireless James, particularly if you will have your batteau in the water.  This is a great opportunity for us to help the JRA in a worthy cause and they are trying to gauge attendance and volunteer need.  

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the end of the month.

-Andrew Shaw

Andrew D. Shaw
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