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Fwd: "The Sweep" - September 5, 2017

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Mike Neal

Sep 5, 2017, 8:19:30 PM9/5/17

Mike Neal
Captain Rose of Nelson Batteau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Virginia Canals & Navigations Society <>
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:33 PM
Subject: "The Sweep" - September 5, 2017
To: "Michael &amp; Ellen Neal" <>

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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society
THE "SWEEP" E-Newsletter

Dear Michael & Ellen Neal,

September 5, 2017

From the President’s Desk

This is my final letter from the President’s desk!   As I make preparations for the upcoming conference I am getting things in order to pass the gavel to Roger Nelson who is serving as your VCNS president for a second time.   He will accept the gavel during our annual business meeting at the Tavern on the James in Scottsville on September 30.   I am hoping you have already registered for our 40th Birthday celebration and maybe you are participating in the Tireless James river clean-up that day, too.  If you have not sent your form in, please check the website for more information and make plans to join the fun at the birthday party!  

Click here to download conference registration form!

Thank you for the privilege of serving as your president. Thank you for suggestions that help us move forward and for making positive changes along with me.  Thanks for continuing to pay your dues and bringing new members into the organization.  Thanks for all the monetary donations to the Friends First fundraising campaign.  Thanks to the volunteers that devote so much time and energy to VCNS.  Thanks for another successful James River Batteau Festival and the fortitude displayed in the midst of the tragic loss of life at Dog Island.  Thanks for being the batteau family. Thanks for being faithful members to the VCNS. Thanks for the memories – I plan to continue making them!

Join me in supporting Roger and the entire VCNS Board of Directors as we continue to preserve and share canal history and traditions throughout the Commonwealth.  

Serving with you,

Gail Timberlake



We are continuing our Friends First Fundraiser that will promote the VC&NS Headquarters as a place for people to stop by and check out who we are and what we do.

Our 50/50 raffle held at the JRBF netted $180. One of our members, Laura Mattson, won $90. Congratulations 

Through the goodness of the following members we have received donations totally $2,450:

Bow Givers: Alice Calhoun; Rodney Lorence; Benjamin Stoppe; Daniel Monahan; Ludwig Kuttner

Rope Givers: Jim Pharr; George Ramsey, Sr. Thomas Fisher III

Stern Givers:  Mac Sammons; Bill Trout (matched Mr. Sammons donation)

Thanks to all of you who are making our drive a success!

 Our efforts will continue at our 40th Annual Conference, Sept 29 – Oct 1, Scottsville, VA.  We will be holding a silent auction during the conference. To date we have the following items donated:

$25.00 gift card from Tavern on the James                                                                

2 tickets, VA Rep Theatre for Mary Poppins

Full Day River Trip on the Lower New River with Dry bag filled with goodies,  Ace Adventure Resort                                                                                                          

$50 gift card from Cabela’s with goodies

$50 gift card from Dick’s Sporting Goods

 Make sure you join us and give yourself an opportunity to win some of these fabulous gifts! Visit us at for registration information.



All info subject to change – see for updates.                                        

Sept 15-17           Field Days of the Past, Rockville, VA,
                            Just South of Exit 173, off I-64, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM                          

Sep 29-Oct 1       VC&NS Annual Conference, Scottsville, VA                                      

Sep 29:                   Tireless Clean Up, James River –
                               (Water event for the annual conference)

                                    Point of contact: Andrew Shaw
                                                              Pat Calvert, James River Association

Oct 7:                       Day at the Point, Point of Honor in Lynchburg,
                                112 Cabell St, Lynchburg, VA, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

                                    Point of contact: Phil DeVos (

Oct 14-15:            8th Annual Heritage Waterways Festival, Battlefield Park
                             South, Sat. 10am-4pm; Sun: 10am – 4pm.

                                    Location: 120 Reservation Road, Chesapeake, VA

                                    Point of contact: Brian Coffield (

Oct 28:  Board of Governors Meeting – Saturday, 10:00 am, Batteau House  
                                                3806 S. Amherst Hwy., Madison Heights, VA.
                   Point of contact: Gail Timberlake (          


New Batteau Model By Brian Coffield

                  On May 7, 2016, at Fluvanna County Old Farm Day, Bill Trout was approached by a gentleman named Tom Ruffin who was interested in building a batteau model.  Bill referred him to me and I welcomed the opportunity to provide him with information to help in his endeavor.

                  When I stopped by his house to drop off the plans for Boat 28, I discovered that Tom Ruffin is a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson and he has a lock behind his house.  I could only imagine what else I would discover…it turns out, he is a model ship builder, and has a display of amazing ship models in his house!  This knowledge definitely heightened my anticipation as to what he could do with those batteau plans.

                  In the fall of 2016, Tom showed up at the Pleasant Grove Museum with the completed model. I wasn’t surprised by the attention to detail – for example, he made the boat gray, because he knows that white oak ages and turns gray in the sun, and this gives it the appearance of being old. Tom’s intention in building this model was to share his talent with others, and to that end, he has donated it to Pleasant Grove and it is now on display at the museum.


JUNE 10, 2017

The Amherst County Batteau Day, held at River’s Edge Park and the newly renamed Rucker’s Landing, was a huge success. The day was beautiful. Vendor’s lined the paved walkway along the James River. Historical reenactors such as “Thomas Jefferson,” provided a great flavor to the event. In the afternoon, the Rucker Family dedicated three historical signs telling the story of the James River style batteau invented by Benjamin and Anthony Rucker. Dr. Bill Trout, Holt Messerly and “Thomas Jefferson” were honored to unveil the three signs. This was a great day for Amherst Country, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the United States of America.



We would like to send reduce costs by sending information electronically. Please keep us informed when you change your email address, or provide one if you have not, by contacting: Terry Zimmerman at:



If you have an interesting story you would like to share please let us know. So many of you have had some wonderful experiences on the river or know a piece of Virginia river history or lore that others would like to know about. Please contact us and let us share this with our members. 


VC&NS Board of Directors 

President – Gail Timberlake
Vice President – Roger Nelson
Secretary - Beverly Hill 
Membership - Terry Zimmerman 
Treasurer - Deanna Sweeney
Historian/Archivist - Diane Easley
Past President – Brian Coffield

Trustee (2013-2018) - Rich Davis
Trustee (2014-2019) - Roger Nelson
Trustee (2015-2020) - Bill Trout
Trustee (2016-2021) – Mike Neal
Trustee (2012-2017) – Philip de Vos

Watercraft operations - Mike Neal
Watercraft Construction - Ralph Smith

District Representatives:
Rivanna River - Pete Runge
Southeast Virginia - George Ramsey, Sr.
Upper James - Tom Moore
Eastern Virginia – Maurice Redding, III 

Archaeologist advisor - Lyle Browning

JRBF Chair
Andrew Shaw (


Virginia Canals & Navigations Society

Batteau House, 3906 S. Amherst Hwy
Madison Heights, VA 24572

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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society
Batteau House, 3806 S. Amherst Hwy
Madison Heights, VA 24572

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