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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society THE "SWEEP" E-Newsletter
Dear Michael & Ellen Neal, March 2, 2017Hope you have ushered in the new year with a sense of expectancy as I have! Expecting good things and then working to make them happen. Your VCNS leadership team continues to make things happen. In December, the first attempt to send the SWEEP electronically was successful. The "Friends First" fundraising campaign is off to a fantastic start (see related article). Thank you to all who have contributed. It is not too late to make your donation. The December open house event adds to the list of successes. The possibility of a "boat barn" to house valuable artifacts is a step closer to reality. For the first time we have an intern - Austin Davidson - working with Dr. Trout at headquarters. An intern was another one of the items on our wish list. Andrew Shaw is fine tuning details for the thirty second annual JRBF - our signature event. Andrew set March 26 as the date for the JRBF meeting/lunch at Tavern On the James at 1 pm. I look forward to seeing some of you there. A sense of expectancy - I do hope you have it, too. Together we are making things happen. It's time to direct our thoughts to the rivah! See you there. Serving with you, Gail Timberlake, President
A note from the JRBF chairmanI hope all of you are doing well and eagerly anticipating the 2017 James River Batteau Festival- I know I am. I wanted to pull the spring meeting up to earlier in the year for a couple of reasons. First of all, it has been awhile since we have all gotten together. Secondly, I thought it might be helpful for us to get the meeting done early so that no one loses a work day come festival prep time in May. I also plan to have the posters and promotional literature ready to put in your hands so that we can start getting the word out. The meeting will be Sunday March 26th at the Tavern at 1 PM. As some of you may remember, at last year’s spring meeting I talked about the idea of wanting to provide another venue through the year for folks to bring the boat out of the water and explore a new section of river. This year I have been working with Twin Rivers outfitters to help provide campsites and logistical support for a float from Iron Gate to Horseshoe Bend on the upper James from May 5-7. While I realize many boats may not be water ready by this point, and some crews will be working frantically to get ready for the festival a month later, I would love to see any of you who can make it, if only in a canoe. This is an incredible section of the James River and I am really looking forward to getting some pre-festival batteau time in. Some folks may want to let the trip bleed into Monday for a more leisurely Sunday float, while others may be more inclined to push through and take out to get the boat back on the trailer Sunday evening. We will discuss campsites and logistics in more detail at the Spring meeting, or if you have any questions feel free to email. Thank you all for your commitment to the JRBF, it is a huge undertaking and I am so thankful for the opportunity to float the mighty James with all of you this summer. -Andrew
Sweep E-newsletter or The Sweep…..which is it? The correct answer is both! Issues of The Sweep are published 3X a year as a benefit of membership in VCNS. A Sweep E-newletter is a quicker way to inform /invite members along with our extended family of batteau and other river enthusiasts of events. Your board is making every effort to streamline communication utilizing technology. Contact us to add an e-mail address. Note: You may also go to the footer area of www.vacanals.org and fill out the e-sweep subscription form online to have your email added to the e-Sweep list.
History of the Lower Appomattox RiverA two-part program on the history of the Lower Appomattox River will be presented by Ben Uzel, president of the Colonial Heights Historical Society. The program will explore the significance of the Appomattox River to the establishment and location of the Colonial trading post that evolved into Petersburg, commercial successes and failures on the river, and the river’s importance to the early development of the region. The program will discuss the many commercial successes and failures on the river, the role that the river played in the underground railroad, how the river was altered by carpetbagger politics after the Civil War, and on how Pocahontas became an island. The program will be given in two parts. Part 1, presented on Wednesday, March 8th will cover the period prior to the American Civil War. Part 2, on April 12th will cover the period from the Civil War to present. Both programs will be presented at 7:00 p.m. at the Colonial Heights Public Library. The programs are sponsored by the Colonial Heights Historical Society and are free and open to the public. For more information please contact Ben Uzel via email: b.u...@alumni.vcu.edu
Schedule of Events …..subject to change – see vacanals.org for updates.March 26 JRBF meeting 1pm @ Tavern on the James, 280 Valley St, Scottsville, VA April 1 Rivanna History Day @ Pleasant Grove – 274 Pleasant Grove Dr., Palmyra VA 22963 (hosted by Fluvanna County Parks & Rec, co-sponsors: VC&NS, Fluvanna Historical Society) April 8 Board of Governors – 10 am @ Batteau House -3806 S. Amherst Hwy., Madison Heights, VA April 29 FOLAR Riverfest– 10am-3pm @ Ferndale Park -2400 Ferndale Rd, Petersburg, VA May 5-8 Upper James River Trip – Iron Gate to Horseshoe Bend June 3-4 Rassawek Vineyard Spring Jubilee -10am-6pm, 6276 River Rd W, Columbia, VA 23038 June 3 C&O Heritage Festival – 705 Main St, Clifton Forge VA June 10 Batteau Day – Amherst County River Edge Park June 17-24 James River Batteau Festival
The Amherst County Batteau Day is scheduled for June 10, 2017 at the Riveredge Park in Madison Heights, VA. The new "Rucker's Landing" (Batteau Boat Ramp inside Riveredge Park) will be dedicated with the new name approved by the Amherst County Board of Supervisors. Three new signs will be dedicated also. The signs show batteau history. Mike Rucker and the … Read more.
News Flash!!!!!“FRIENDS FIRST” Campaign “UPDATE” 2016-2017 Whew! We are almost half way to raising our $10,000 goal by July 1, 2017! Here is what we have done so far: We have received a $1,000 donation from Mike Rucker and over $1,000 from the VCNS Board of Directors, which Dr Trout has matched. We also, received $75.00 from our GoFundMe account on Facebook. Since there were no other hits on GoFundMe the site was closed down. Other donations amounting to $420, along with the $2,000 match, plus the $75 brings us to a total of $4,495.00 toward our goal of $10,000. Dr. Bill Trout continues to match every $1,000 Donation! As you all know, we have been working on making sure our Batteau History/Museum can be shared with the public, therefore we need your help to make our Batteau House/Museum something for all to enjoy! Payments are processed through PayPal and you can use your PayPal account OR enter your credit/debit card info. Various types of cards are accepted. You can also make your donation by check payable to: Virginia Canals & Navigations Society. VC&NS mailing address: Virginia Canals & Navigations Society 3806 South Amerst Highway Madison Heights, VA 24572. Note: If you wish your gift to only be used towards the Home Fund, then write “Home Fund” on the for line of the check, otherwise the funds go into the non restricted funds and can be applied towards any VCNS need. You can a visit the Batteau Museum in person (Please call Bill Trout in advance to arrange a time/date to make sure he is home. Phone Number 252-301-1747), or email Bill, see map to the Batteau House below: Your generosity and belief in our mission makes our work possible, and we are deeply grateful for your partnership. On another note, be sure to check out "The Newsletter" on the VC&NS website regarding information about Dr. Trout’s new book, currently in the design stage, titled "The Amazing Virginia Canals". Dr. Trout is hoping to secure sponsor(s) that would be recognized inside the front or back cover. Although the sponsor's fee of $1,000 sounds like a lot, keep in mind these books are sold and will spread the word for you or your company. If you have any questions, please email our fundraising committee chairperson, Ms. Donna Riedel. |
JUST a note – one way to promote & increase membershipMembership is something we should always be promoting. Nonprofit organizations like the VC&NS are the stewards of our waterways. The JRBF shines a light on the James River every year, but we have lots of other events where volunteer participation is needed and if we don’t look out for our rivers, who will? We are always looking for members – If your membership is near expiration, please consider renewing it. If you know of someone who would be interested encourage them to join as well. You can join us online at www.vacanals.org. The new membership calendar year runs from July to June. If you have a 2016 membership, it expires in June 2017.
Frank Padget LandingVC&NS continues to push for appreciation of the heroism of Frank Padget. Frank Padget was a slave that rescued people form a packet boat in danger of sinking in a flood. During that rescue, he lost his own life. January 21 was by coincidence a Saturday as it was in 1854, and we've had a Padget exhibit in the Glasgow Library for the month. On that day a program was presented followed by a tour. In keeping with a February focus on Black History, our exhibit was moved to Legacy Museum in Lynchburg. Amherst Historical Museum had a Padget presentation by Sandi Esposito Sunday 2/19, followed by another VC&NS presentation at Legacy Museum on Sunday 2/26 at 3:00. We still hope that the Glasgow community might decide to name the park at the Maury/James confluence for Frank Padget. Ever so slowly, planning goes forward for a convenient take out below Balcony Falls. By consulting with Jennifer Wampler at VDCR and Saralou Christian at Amherst County P&R it is determined that the location near Lock 14 of the James River & Kanawha Canal will be named for Frank Padget whenever the landing may be completed. Needless to say, CSX needs encouragement to permit this. River groups supportive of this landing for years are being made aware of the naming for Padget. The James River Water Trail is approaching Snowden, with signage at Glasgow. The water trail is being extended up the Maury to Buena Vista, and a group is committed to extend the trail to Lexington. Philip de Vos
CONTRIBUTE YOUR STORIES! The Sweep is your publication. Please share interesting articles or events that enhance the content and quality of upcoming issues. They can be edited for grammar, spelling, etc. We would sure appreciate your stories.
Canal Museum's Boat BarnThe VC&NS is asking for volunteers to help design the new Boat Barn. Once the design is approved there may be volunteer opportunities to help with the construction. If anyone is interested in helping please contact Bi...@vacanals.org and your name and ideas will be forwarded to the construction committee. Thank you!
Virginia Canals & Navigations SocietyBatteau House, 3906 S. Amherst Hwy Madison Heights, VA 24572 http://www.vacanals.org
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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society
Batteau House, 3806 S. Amherst Hwy
Madison Heights, VA 24572