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Fwd: "The Sweep" - February 10, 2017

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Mike Neal

Feb 10, 2017, 6:12:35 PM2/10/17
to, Pete Runge
 An update,

 I have a new change for the upper James river trip (I sent out yesterday) the updated date was changed to avoid Mothers Day to 
 May 5 - 6 2017 Weekend.

If you are not a Canal member you are missing out ... Attached is the Sweep..

Winter is here today which is Great... I am looking forward to Spring and " On the river " again..
River Time..

Mike Neal
Captain Rose of Nelson Batteau

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Virginia Canals & Navigations Society <>
Date: Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:17 PM
Subject: "The Sweep" - February 10, 2017
To: "Michael &amp; Ellen Neal" <>

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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society
THE "SWEEP" E-Newsletter

Dear Michael & Ellen Neal,

February 10, 2017


Amherst County Museum presents the program,
Frank Padgett:  A James River Hero on Sunday, February 19 at 2:30 p.m.

Amherst -- Hear about the tragedy of 21 January 1854 from an eyewitness and learn about those involved, both passengers and rescuers.  Due to heavy rains and subsequent flooding, the canal boat Clinton’s towline broke, leaving the boat, her passengers and crew swirling in the raging James River. Slave and skilled batteau-man Frank Padgett led a valiant rescue attempt. It's a story which could be a great play. Join researcher and architectural historian Sandi Esposito as she tells the story of Frank Padgett and the community of people working together to save those who were the victims and honor the bravery of all.  

The program will be held on Sunday afternoon, February 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Hamble Center, behind the Museum, located at 154 South Main Street in Amherst, and is open to the public with no admission fee.  Light refreshments will be served.

The Program is made possible by The Greater Lynchburg Community Trust and The Town of Amherst.

The Amherst County Museum and Historical Society is a nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to discover, collect and preserve objects related to the history and genealogy of Amherst County. The society exhibits, interprets and offers its collections to provide educational experiences for people of all ages.

For additional information contact Octavia Starbuck, Director, Amherst County Museum and Historical Society at 434-946-9068 or by the website email:


VC&NS Display on Frank Padgett

 For the month of February, the Virginia Canals & Navigations Society's exhibit on Frank Padget will be on display in Lynchburg’s Legacy Museum at 403 Monroe Street, 434-845-3455.


Feb. 26th - "The Tragedy of Frank Padgett" 

Mr. Philip de Vos, VC&NS Trustee, will present a talk on “The Tragedy of Frank Padget”. This speaking event will be held on Sunday, February 26th in the afternoon at Lynchburg’s Legacy Museum, located at 403 Monroe Street Info: 434-845-3455. The time has yet to be determined. Contact the Legacy Museum for more details.

Also, Please contact Philip de Vos,, if a museum or library would like to use our canal or Frank Padgett exhibit for a month.


The Cape Fear River Atlas 

Dr. Bill Trout has just approved the final proof for our newest river atlas and copies will be available soon. You can reserve your copy in advance by emailing This is the third North Carolina river atlas that Dr. Trout has co-authored. It is a huge atlas, 150 pages plus covers. See the flyer for more information. 

The Cape Fear River Atlas - Flyer information:

Before railroads were unheard of, rivers were the superhighways of the time – the arteries of commerce. Rivers carried the products of the farm, of the mine, and of the forest to market – preferably to coastal markets and to the world.

North Carolina had only one river with a deep-water coastal port, and that was the Cape Fear. All of her other major rivers run out of the state, or into coastal sounds with only shallow openings to the sea.

Put a dot at the center of the state, and that is where the Cape Fear begins. It was here, at the junction of the Deep and Haw rivers, that the Deep and Haw River Company laid out the town of Haywood in 1799. Everyone expected that white-water freight boats called batteaux, and later steamboats, would soon be plying the river, making Haywood one of the most prosperous cities in the state, and probably the state capital. But it never happened.

THE CAPE FEAR RIVER ATLAS is the latest in a series of river atlases for Virginia and North Carolina, volunteer projects published by the Virginia Canals & Navigations Society. We hope that it will encourage interest in the fascinating history and archaeology of navigation on the Cape Fear and in river corridor planning. If you are interested, please join VC&NS and help us help you and your favorite river.

This atlas focuses on the 240 miles of the Cape Fear which boats once navigated, from the House in the Horseshoe on Deep River, down to the Atlantic Ocean. This includes the river in twelve counties: Moore, Chatham, Alamance, Orange, Lee, Harnett, Cumberland, Bladen, Columbus, Pender, Brunswick, and New Hanover. Here the Cape Fear is literally filled with history. We’ve tried to record and interpret the early canals, the batteau sluices, the locks and dams built for steamboats, the fish dams, the wing dams, the iron furnaces, the mills, and anything else in and along the river. With this atlas you can get out on the river and see them for yourself!

Copies of THE CAPE FEAR RIVER ATLAS will be available by mail from the canal society at for $35.00 each, plus $5 postage (plus tax if you are in VA). {Note: This item will be added to the online store once copies are available for shipping} We encourage museums and outfitters to stock our atlases. A large wholesale discount is available for quantity sales (contact Please come visit our museum and headquarters at 3806 S. Amherst Hwy, Madison Heights, VA 24572. Open by appointment:, 252-301-1747.


The Amazing Virginia Canals

Dr. Bill Trout is in the design stage for a new book to be titled The Amazing Virginia Canals. This book will be similar to the new color book The Dismal Swamp Nobody Knows. There will be many new color illustrations. William Hoffman (Sarge), a longtime VC&NS member, is painting some scenes now.

Dr. Trout wants to have a sponsors page near the inside front or back cover and for $1,000 you can be a sponsor and have your name listed on this page. Contact for more information.


Canal Museum's Boat Barn

The VC&NS is asking for volunteers to help design the new Boat Barn. Once the design is approved there may be volunteer opportunities to help with the construction. If anyone is interested in helping please contact and your name and ideas will be forwarded to the construction committee. Thank you!


Virginia Canals & Navigations Society

Batteau House, 3906 S. Amherst Hwy
Madison Heights, VA 24572

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Virginia Canals & Navigations Society
Batteau House, 3806 S. Amherst Hwy
Madison Heights, VA 24572

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