Batteau People,
We are once again partnering with the JRA in an effort to remove tires from the James River. The last several years we have been rained out, but when we have made a success of the it we have removed tons of tires and had a great time doing it. This year, I hope we all can make an effort to be on the river provided conditions are safe. If you aren't able to get the batteau out of the water and prepared for the float, canoeists and kayakers are essential to help collect tires.
We will be floating from Howardsville to Scottsville, and camping will be available for those interested at the James River Runners campsite. This weekend also coincides with the
VCNS annual conference, which features a banquet at the Tavern on Saturday evening followed by festivities in the batteau-metropolis of Scottsville.
I hope you will all consider making it out on to camp and float the last weekend in September!