Husky Mobile Robot navigation stack not working as manual instructed.

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Kim Nguyen

Dec 20, 2017, 3:05:20 PM12/20/17
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group

 I am using Husky A200 mobile robot with LiDAR VLP-16 Velodyne. I am trying run simple command for move base in navigation stack of Husky which provided here: .
Because of my laser scanner is 3D, I use the package pointcloud_to_lasercan to convert it to 2D scan. I follow this tutorial to get the pointcloud from Velodyne convert to 2D scan:

I ran command to run the move base and here is the errors I got:
In move_base command terminal
roslaunch husky_navigation move_base_mapless_demo.launch

In rviz command terminal, I can see the laser around but the 2D Nav Goal didn't work

I look at the navgiation stack of jackal and found some odom_navigation_demo.launch file which husky navigation stack didn't have, I wonder if we missing anything in move_base.launch file ? Anyone knows where to start looking at with the errors like that ?

Thank you,
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