ROS Kinetic status

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David Conner

Oct 11, 2016, 6:09:30 PM10/11/16
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group
I was trying to follow a tutorial that I used under ROS Jade for the rrbot demo (from

For that tutorial I was cloning a number of repos including control_toolbox, realtime_tools, ros_controllers,

ros_control, gazebo_ros_control, and gazebo_ros_demos.

When I tried this with ROS Kinetic, I was getting build errors for gazebo_ros_control, which only has a jade_devel branch.

I tried installing the packages via sudo apt-get install for ros-kinetic, which appeared to install,  but the launch files would not work.

What is the current status of these packages and demos with regard to ROS kinetic?

There seems to be a number of related questions on answers.ros, but no consistent answer or directions.

I'm planning to use these in a spring course, and need to get this clarified so that I can update my tutorials.  (I was trying to have some new students follow the tutorials is how i discovered the issue.


Bence Magyar

Oct 14, 2016, 6:41:12 AM10/14/16
to David Conner, ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group
Hi there,

I have 2 answers to this one.

1. The above mentioned packages are pretty advanced, not something you'd want students to touch too much. Why do you need a source-based installation? apt-get should give you a working binary version of all those packages without having to go through all that trouble.
In case you want them to play around with the rrbot examples/tests in ros_control, you only need to clone the repos that contain them, the rest can be binary installed.

2. If I had to make a tutorial I'd pick one of the LTS versions of ROS, either Indigo or Kinetic (from binaries).

I would be pretty happy to help out on some tutorials for ros_control is there is interest for it. I feel we've been missing a `ros_control_tutorials`-sort-of package for a long time.


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Matt Anderson

Nov 28, 2016, 3:14:16 PM11/28/16
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group,
There is interest, I'm currently struggling to make sense of all the parts and pieces. It seems like the information is disjointed between what was on github wiki and is now on the ROS wiki.  I can't decide what is current, and it seems there are a lot of new features since most docs were written.

Ian McMahon

Nov 28, 2016, 3:34:36 PM11/28/16
to Matt Anderson, ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group,
+1 for interest in improved ros_controls tutorials. There is a great benefit to many of the components in the ros_controls packages, but very little documentation to help a new user get up and running.

~ Ian

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. .

Ian McMahon  |  Senior Developer Relations Engineer
Rethink Robotics, Inc 
main: 617.500.2487 | direct617.500.4188

Bence Magyar

Nov 29, 2016, 6:58:14 AM11/29/16
to Ian McMahon, Matt Anderson, ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group, David Conner
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Could you provide us with a list of your preferred topics wrt tutorials?

All of our current maintainers are doing this in their spare time, best to focus efforts where it's most critical.



. .

Ian McMahon  |  Senior Developer Relations Engineer
Rethink Robotics, Inc 
main: 617.500.2487 | direct617.500.4188


Matt Anderson

Nov 29, 2016, 8:17:00 AM11/29/16
to Bence Magyar, Ian McMahon, ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group, David Conner
I feel like what I am missing is a complete example in one place with possibly a little commentary.  For example, if somebody took a simple 2 wheeled cart URDF and showed the hardware interface code as well as all launch and config files needed to implement diff drive controller I think that would be nice. However, any sort of "soup to nuts" example of all the things I need to do would be really helpful. It's also possible I have missed some source of information in my scrounging.

Eric Tappan

Nov 29, 2016, 10:41:02 AM11/29/16
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group
I found the ros_control_boilerplate package by Dave Coleman to be a pretty decent starting point. It's got an example of a simulated robot arm, and while not directly applicable for mobile bases at least gives you some grounding in how the different parts of ros_control play together. I imagine a complementary wheeled base example with diff_drive_controller could be useful for a lot of folks, but +1 for a tutorial track with commentary about how they were put together.

Matt Anderson

Dec 2, 2016, 8:15:27 AM12/2/16
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group
I did miss that, and it is really helpful.  Thanks
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