joint_position_controller for robotiq gripper (on a UR5) in Moveit

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Philip W

Jan 4, 2018, 4:13:05 AM1/4/18
to ROS/Orocos Robot Control Special Interest Group
Hi guys and gals,

I'm working on integrating the UR5 arm together with a robotiq 2-finger gripper in Moveit using ros_control. The UR5 is working with the modern_ur_driver, but I'm having trouble with the gripper. I'm using the robotiq_2f controller from here:
When the gripper is open, I can close it once then nothing happens anymore:

[ INFO] [1513867635.788159560]: ParallelPlan::solve(): Solution found by one or more threads in 0.002917 seconds
[ INFO] [1513867635.790615347]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.002361 seconds and changed from 6 to 2 states
[ WARN] [1513867642.646593250]: Controller handle /simple_gripper/joint_position_controller reports status ABORTED
[ INFO] [1513867642.821323582]: ABORTED: Solution found but controller failed during execution
[ INFO] [1513867650.682330631]: Combined planning and execution request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning and execution pipeline.
[ INFO] [1513867650.682376119]: Goal constraints are already satisfied. No need to plan or execute any motions

Now I've heard that Moveit doesn't work with the joint_position_controller. Is that correct and what can I do to get it to run?

Here is what I have right now:

The launch file:
<arg name="robot_ip" default=""/>
<arg name="limited" default="true"/>
<arg name="min_payload"  default="0.0"/>
<arg name="max_payload"  default="3.0"/>
<arg name="prefix" default="simple_arm_" />  
<arg name="max_velocity" default="10.0"/> <!-- [rad/s] -->


<!-- robot model -->
<include file="$(find myrobot2_description)/launch/myrobot2_upload.launch">
<arg name="limited" value="$(arg limited)"/>

<!--UR5 modern driver-->
<node name="ur_hardware_interface" pkg="ur_modern_driver" type="ur_driver" output="log" launch-prefix="">
<param name="robot_ip_address" type="str" value="$(arg robot_ip)"/>
<param name="min_payload" type="double" value="$(arg min_payload)"/>
<param name="max_payload" type="double" value="$(arg max_payload)"/>
<param name="max_velocity" type="double" value="$(arg max_velocity)"/>
<param name="use_ros_control" type="bool" value="True"/>
<param name="servoj_gain" type="double" value="750" />
<param name="prefix" value="$(arg prefix)" />

<!-- Load controller settings -->
<rosparam file="$(find myrobot2_driver)/config/myrobot2_controllers.yaml" command="load"/>

<!-- robotiq gripper -->
<group ns="simple_gripper">
<rosparam file="$(find myrobot2_driver)/config/gripper_controller.yaml" command="load" />
<node name="controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false" output="screen" args="joint_position_controller"/>
<node name="simple_gripper_hw" pkg="robotiq_2f_hw_usb" type="robotiq_2f_hw_usb_node" respawn="false" output="screen">
<param name="port" type="str" value="/dev/ttyUSB0"/>
<param name="server_id" type="int" value="9"/>
<param name="name" type="str" value="simple_gripper_"/>

<!-- spawn controller manager -->
<node name="ros_control_controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false"
output="screen" args="joint_state_controller force_torque_sensor_controller vel_based_pos_traj_controller" />

<!-- load other controller -->
<node name="ros_control_controller_manager" pkg="controller_manager" type="controller_manager" respawn="false"
output="screen" args="load pos_based_pos_traj_controller" />

<!-- Convert joint states to /tf tranforms -->
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher"/>


This is the gripper_controller.yaml I'm loading:

: 125

# Settings for ros_control hardware interface
- simple_gripper_robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
: 125  #100

: position_controllers/GripperActionController
: simple_gripper_robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint

: position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController
- simple_gripper_robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint
: 0.6
: 0.05
: {trajectory: 0.1, goal: 0.1}
: 0.5
:  25
: 10

And this is the controllers.yaml for Moveit:
- name: joint_position_controller
: gripper_cmd
: GripperCommand
default: true
- simple_gripper_robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint


- name: vel_based_pos_traj_controller #or pos_based_pos_traj_controller
: follow_joint_trajectory
: FollowJointTrajectory
- simple_arm_shoulder_pan_joint
- simple_arm_shoulder_lift_joint
- simple_arm_elbow_joint
- simple_arm_wrist_1_joint
- simple_arm_wrist_2_joint
- simple_arm_wrist_3_joint

I'll gladly provide any additional information you might need and appreciate any help!
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