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Seth King

Aug 1, 2016, 10:09:33 PM8/1/16

How can I help with the ROS 2 effort?  I am currently working on a 3 phase BLDC and I would like for it to be a ROS node.  I was thinking of getting one of the newer Atmel boards based on the Cortex M7 probably the ATSAME70-XPLD.
This controller could probably control 2 motor maybe more.  Anything specific that I could be working that would a help to the ROS 2.0 team.

Seth King

Lennart Na

Sep 2, 2016, 7:28:10 AM9/2/16
I'm not part of the ROS2 team but perhaps you could help by using/testing one of the embedded implementations for your project:


William Woodall

Sep 2, 2016, 2:29:59 PM9/2/16
to ROS SIG NG ROS, Morgan Quigley
We've only experimented with sending data _off_ of a M7 sized board (stream image messages from an attached camera), but we haven't done receiving (I think at least). Victor did get some stuff working in ros2_embedded_nuttx, but there were some lingering issues with that related to the network stack on nuttx and what the DDS implementations needed.

@Morgan is there anything else to mention?

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William Woodall
ROS Development Team

Morgan Quigley

Sep 2, 2016, 2:45:55 PM9/2/16
to William Woodall, ROS SIG NG ROS
The SAME70 is a pretty awesome chip. We did some experiments with it last fall and were quite impressed; that's the one we used to create our demo at ROSCon last year of a MCU-based RTPS client that would send ROS[2] images directly over RTPS.

But of course that code was "demo-grade" and it's not clear if the best path forward would be to keep working on our FreeRTPS prototype (we were working on the "history_cache" branch most recently but it's been ~6 or 8 months or so and of course that branch is completely broken at the moment).

It might be really interesting to instead to take a very different approach and start hacking on FastRTPS to make it more "embedded-friendly" in some ways (I don't know how, I haven't tried yet) to see if it could be made to run on bare metal or some small MCU-friendly RTOS. That could be pretty interesting. I don't know if it's super tied to an OS or not, but it does run on Linux/Mac/Windows so there must be at least some notion of OS neutrality.

Brian Gerkey

Sep 2, 2016, 4:30:44 PM9/2/16
As with all open source projects, the "team" is whoever has the time
and inclination to contribute to the project, and everybody's welcome
to do that!

Having said that, we've long been in an Alpha development phase,
wherein we haven't taken the time to properly document things to the
point that it's easy for a new contributor to come up to speed. We
also don't have a ready wish list of low-hanging fruit for new
contributors to pick off. The wish list is easier than the
documentation (which we'll need to do, but probably not immediately),
so we could work on that if there's sufficient interest out there to
pitch in.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 4:28 AM, Lennart Na <> wrote:
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Seth King

Sep 22, 2016, 2:06:36 PM9/22/16

I ended up going with a ST Nucleo F767zi because it was cheaper than the Atmel part and was supported by the new mbed 5 rtos out of the box.
I was able to get it up and running and got some test programs sending TCP and UDP packets but at the time(6 weeks ago), they did not have broadcast available for UDP.
My initial plan was to figure out how to write some sort of FreeRTPS wrapper class/library so I could use the mbed network stack, then this class could be used with all of the other mbed hardware.
Is there a spec on how FreeRTPS works,  from digging around it looked like port multiplexing based on a couple of factors(subs, pubs, etc)

I am taking two classes this semester(GT OMSCS) + work so any contributions that I can make will probably be held off until Christmas.
I really enjoyed the demo at last year ROScon that is what encourage me to start messing around with ROS 2.0.  Look forward to watching any of the videos coming out of ROScon 2016.


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