can not add plug-in move_base package

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Hikmet Güler

May 25, 2017, 12:36:45 PM5/25/17
to ros-sig-navigation
hello, i have tried to add ralaxed_astar and potential_field packages as a move_base plugin but i have same error both attempt which is this,

[FATAL] [1495728685.722926849, 1569.350000000]: Failed to create the RAstar_planner/RAstarPlannerROS planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class RAstar_planner/RAstarPlannerROS with base class type nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are  carrot_planner/CarrotPlanner global_planner/GlobalPlanner navfn/NavfnROS


[FATAL] [1495728631.196365565, 1514.900000000]: Failed to create the potential_field/potentialField planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class potential_field/potentialField with base class type nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are  carrot_planner/CarrotPlanner global_planner/GlobalPlanner navfn/NavfnROS

those package's links are there;

relaxed_astar : (which is an example on wiki ros )

after adding this packages in my work space, i can compile my work space without error or warning and i can source my ws. Also i have those package's lib files in under devel/lib folder. But, when  i change launch file of move_base, those error occurs.By the way, navfnros, carrot planner and global planner work fine.

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