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Tuning DWA Planner using trajectory costs

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Sarika Ramroop

Jun 25, 2018, 11:46:13 AM6/25/18
to ros-sig-navigation

I was having a lot of trouble tuning the DWA planner in ROS Kinetic for a pretty large robot and part of my problem was that I had no idea how the costs were affecting the trajectories that were being chosen. Having gone through the nav stack source code, I realise now that some things didn't quite work how I thought they did. 

To make tuning easier for myself, I modified the DWA planner code to publish the trajectory costs for each set of trajectories. I:
- created a new message type to store all the costs for a single trajectory (overall costs and the sub-costs such as obstacle costs, goal costs etc.)
- created another message type to store an array of all the trajectories generated at a particular instance
- indicated which trajectory was the best in a the set

Taking this data, I was able to publish the costs of the best trajectory, as shown in the below example:

Best trajectory has index: 102  # index of this trajectory, in the trajectory array
Overall cost: 455.06
Oscillation costs: 0
Obstacle costs: 5.06
Goal front costs: 150
Alignment costs: 0
Path costs: 0
Goal costs: 300
Twirling costs: 8.23756e-320

I was able to use this to determine which set of costs were having the largest influence on the selected trajectory being chosen, and which probably needed a higher weighting. Is this a feature that might be useful to PR into the nav stack? I'm mainly just trying to get some feedback into whether other people would use this since I've seen a number of questions on ROS answers with tuning-related issues, such as the below:

Thanks in advance for any feedback!

David Lu!!

Jun 29, 2018, 4:46:41 PM6/29/18
Hi Sarika,
I share a lot of your frustrations with DWA and the inability to look at the values of all the trajectories evaluated. I ended up doing something quite similar to what you did, and it lead to me writing DWB Local Planner. 


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