Use big map with the navigation stack

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Oct 27, 2017, 6:48:28 AM10/27/17
to ros-sig-navigation

I need to localize a robot in a warehouse of 415x270 meters with a <3cm precision, which make a map of 20768x13612px at 0.020 m/px and a pgm file of 282 MB. (Or 1.7 MB in png).
I tried to load it to AMCL but map_server cannot even load the map on a PC with 16GB of ram because SDL yell "Out of memory". I manage to load it by cropping some part of the map, but that's not a real solution. I could also lower the resolution, but it would be a temporary fix until I need a bigger map.

So, I would like to know if someone already manage to localize on a big map and how. Or if someone have any idea that could help me.

I could also try to create a "fix" for loading bigger map but I'm not sure that's a good solution. Because for such big map, a better approach would be to load map by chunk around the current position. Do you think that could be a future feature of AMCL and map_server, or better start a new project with very big map in mind ?

David Lu!!

Nov 16, 2017, 1:25:38 PM11/16/17
Ticketed here:

No easy solution as far as I can see.
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Chen Xu

Mar 7, 2018, 7:47:06 AM3/7/18
to ros-sig-navigation
you better divide a big map to some small maps, and write a map switcher node to manage it.

在 2017年10月27日星期五 UTC+8下午6:48:28,aurelie...@gmail.com写道:
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