Current ROS-MATLAB Bridge Solution at the MPI for biol. Cyb.

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Martin Riedel

Aug 13, 2012, 8:15:52 PM8/13/12
The current implementation of our ROS-MATLAB Bridge is divided into
several steps and requires some adaptation on MATLAB runtime files (prior to MATLAB 2012a).
We currently can operate our solution in Linux and Mac OS (various versions) with MATLAB
(tested with 2011a, 2011b and 2012a). The biggest obstacle concerning a ROS-MATLAB Bridge in
Windows is the (still) limited support of ROS under Windows. Our setup requires three
distinct step:
1. Compilation and linking of ROS and additional 3rd-party packages
against the proper boost version provided this specific version of MATLAB.
(e.g.2011a: Boost v1_40; 2011b: Boost v1_44; 2012a: Boost v1_44). Furthermore,
ROS should be compiled with one of MATLABs supported compilers.
Since MATLAB 2012a, support for gcc-4.4 and g++-4.4 was added, which is a native
repository package in Ubuntu 12.04 (no need to compile by hand). Technically, one
can use an unsupported compiler (e.g. 4.6), but this requires to "hack" MATLAB into
using a different c++ std library which (could possibly) lead to stability issues.
(We did that for versions prior to 2012a, and had no problems). Currently, we have
precompiled libraries of the ROS Bare System (fuerte) and some of our custom libraries
for Linux 64bit and MacOS 64bit and MATLAB 2012a. Libraries were compiled with 
the official supported compilers (Linux: g(cc|++)-4.4, MacOS(Xcode4.4): llvm-g(cc|++)-4.2) 
and the boost headers for version 1.44 and linked against the dynamic boost libraries that
ship with MATLAB.

Unfortunately, the process of compiling ROS in this specific setting is quite cumbersome.
The ROS Base System can now (since fuerte) be completely configured per CMake, which allows
for specifying the compiler to use and (technically) also the boost version. However,
one would also need to specify the desired settings for all further (custom) ROS packages,
which I personally find hard to configure in an automatic way (Since packages find boost
via the ROS-tool boost-cfg).

We are willing to share our precompiled binaries upon request. 
2. Setting a build environment.
As a prerequisite, MATLAB should have the correct settings. (e.g. Linux
with gcc-4.4 and MacOS (see patch here: 
We compile our mex functions (s-functions) outside of MATLAB with the help of
custom Makefiles. The Makefile identifies the System (Linux/MacOS) and finds the 
the precompiled binaries (from step 1) by looking at defined system variables. The
required build flags (-I,-L,-l) are identified by ROS tools (rospack). The Makefile
looks up the linker flags for the precompiled code, as well as optional include flags
for additional ROS message definitions, that can be found in the "native" ROS
installation of the system. Since ROS messages and services are rewritten into Header-only
definitions, the "precompiled" MATLAB Bridge is also extendable to new messages without
the need for recompilation.
We defined "generic" c s-functions for ROS publisher and subscribers. "Generic" in a
meaning that we can easily adapt them into s functions for a specific ROS message. Since
ROS messages can be freely defined (e.g. nested and arrays), the input/outputs of the
s-functions blocks need to be configured (coded) accordingly. Generic functionality of
the s-function blocks is for example the "topic name" for the publisher/subscriber with
integrated parameter check. As is done in ROS, the Makefile links the distributed
ROS library dependencies in the binary mex file, so that MATLAB can find the shared
libraries at runtime. In our case this does not work on Mac OS yet, there we have
to specify the correct DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH at MATLAB launch to find all required 
shared libraries. (see 3).

The Makefiles are highly customized to our use case, but we would be willing to make
them available to others to understand our build procedure.

3. Running MATLAB 
The "only" thing we have to do in MATLAB is to set the appropriate paths to find the
compiled mex functions. Our lab also created a Simulink Block library to mask and label 
the parameterized s-functions for publishers and subscribers. The attached screenshot 
shows some of the ROS Elements. On Mac OS we launch Matlab in a wrapper script that sets
the appropriate DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (dynamically determined via rospack).


At the MPI, we are quite happy with our current working solution. The workflows to
define new ROS (s-)functions (and masks) are well defined and therefore the functionality
of the bridge can be extended dynamically. The biggest challenge for us are new releases
in ROS or MATLAB, since it requires recompilation to that specific version. This process
is not automated (yet) and therefore takes some time to do manually. However, with specific 
extension to the ROS Buildsystem and the ROS CMakefiles for the Bare System, I feel that
this process can be simplified quite a bit.
In my opinion, it would be best to distribute binary code to the "end-users", since the
compilation process is not straightforward and changes with every ROS/MATLAB version. 
From an organizational point of view it should be possible to make the bare communication
system of ROS (e.g. fuerte and electric) available as precompiled code for several
MATLAB versions.

Martin Riedel

Aug 14, 2012, 6:54:46 AM8/14/12
One important note to add: Personally I hope that the new releases of ROS (groovy and later) will transition to the cmake-only (catkin) build system as soon as possible.
This would tremendously simplify cross compilation of ROS for MATLAB.
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