Install IPC-Bridge under ROS Fuerte

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Felix Meßmer

Mar 20, 2013, 11:32:21 AM3/20/13
Hi all,

as this is probably the best place to ask, I opened up this thread.
You can find the same question on as well here.

After reading about all the various approaches, I tried to test the IPC-Bridge approach. (Most importantly because I don't want to compile ROS from source against Matlab libs ;)

Firstly, my settings are the following: I am using ROS Fuerte under Ubuntu 12.04 with Matlab R2012b

I tried to follow the installation here.

In step 4, I simplified the LD_LIBRARY_PATH since all ROS libs are now in /opt/ros/fuerte/lib. Thus, my environment variables look like this:


The compilation of ipc_bridge_ros works fine as well.

But when running

roscd ipc_roslib && make

I get the following error messages:

fxm@sony-fxm:~$ roscd ipc_roslib && make
bash -c "mkdir -p bin"
bash -c "`rospack find ipc_bridge`/ ."
Generating roslib_Header.h
mex  -I./include   -I/home/fxm/projects/miror/ipc-bridge/ipc_bridge_stack/ipc_bridge_matlab/include  -I/home/fxm/projects/miror/ipc-bridge/ipc_bridge_stack/ipc_bridge/include  -I/home/fxm/projects/miror/ipc-bridge/ipc_bridge_stack/ipc/include -I/home/fxm/projects/miror/ipc-bridge/ipc_bridge_stack/ipc_bridge/include -lstdc++ -L/home/fxm/projects/miror/ipc-bridge/ipc_bridge_stack/ipc/lib -lipc mex/ -output bin/roslib_Header

Warning: You are using gcc version "4.6.3-1ubuntu5)".  The version
         currently supported with MEX is "4.4.6".
         For a list of currently supported compilers see: 

echo  -L/opt/ros/fuerte/lib
echo  -lroscpp  -lrostime  -lrosconsole  -lroscpp_serialization  -lxmlrpcpp
-lroscpp -lrostime -lrosconsole -lroscpp_serialization -lxmlrpcpp

I can see that something is wrong with an unsupported mex-compiler within Matlab, but I don't know how to change the settings.

Has anyone worked with the IPC-Bridge under ROS-Fuerte? Does anyone know how to fix this?

And finally, is the IPC-Bridge still only supporting topic communication or has the service functionality been added yet?

Any help is appreciated!

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