Re: A few enquiries regarding the geographic_info

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Jack O'Quin

Sep 17, 2014, 11:44:38 AM9/17/14
to, Shahmi Junoh

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Shahmi Junoh <> wrote:
Hi Joq,

Thanks for the reply.

Only one thing I got confused with the geographic_msgs or geographic_info, is it possible to  get the route planning as documented in "". It seems that this is only a meta-package, or am I wrong?

geographic_info is a meta-package, geographic_msgs contains ROS message definitions.

The specific message you ask about is oriented towards finding a path through a route network defined via some kind of road map, like open street map. That may not be very useful for your quadcopter, although routing the copter to geographic locations by name, like a street address or a hill top might benefit from using a map.

The lower-level messages, such as GeoPoint, GeoPose and WayPoint should be more directly useful for a UAV.

I would be interested in discussing your requirements in more detail on the geographic info SIG mailing list (address above).

Shahmi Junoh

Sep 23, 2014, 3:19:00 PM9/23/14
to Jack O'Quin,
Hi Joq,

Thanks for the feedback. The feature that I was looking for was exactly like getRoutePlan where I can set start state (lat and lon) and goal state (lat and lon), but then as you said the getRoutePlan is only suited for ground vehicles as it is coupled with OSM. If I would go for  GeoPoint, GeoPose and WayPoint, that would mean I need to do route planning myself.

Or are there any way out (perhaps)?

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