[ERROR] ALMotion.ALWalkComMPC :xCreateCopConstraintInFootStep:0 ERROR in compute of CopConstraint[WARN ] ALMotion.alwalktorsoheight :xComputeDesiredTorsoHeight:0 Left Leg max leg length: compute torso height failed.[WARN ] motion.almotion :computePreview:0 compute torso height. Error QP.[WARN ] ALMotion.ALBalancerWalk :xSetWalkAngles:0 Cartesian motion is infeasible for one leg. cycleNumber: 1493
tank you very much !1.where can i find ros basic information ?
2. i was trying to setup ros-nao-(some simulator) on windows - is it possible \ recommended ? (i'm not so familiar with linux but if it nursery i will switch).
3. i looking for a place to simulate the nao robot with real physics world, does gazebo support it?
4. i tried to download the naoqi-sdk but because i don't have a real robot it not possible, can i handle without it ? ( i just want to simulate )
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ros-sig-aldebaran/b78ffa30-0d00-41cd-9818-33157fbecc02%40googlegroups.com.
i want to build an environment to simulate robot stability with different criterias (zmp, FRI, CoM) and test them with different movements.
can i get some cheap license for web (for student) ?
can you suggest good Workspace like visual studio for linux ?
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ros-sig-aldebaran/391a0698-189a-4b77-89d4-7158d8cefac6%40googlegroups.com.