ROS 2 NAO gazebo simulation

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rajas joshi

Oct 17, 2023, 4:58:04 PM10/17/23
to ROS Sig Aldebaran
Hi All,

I am working to simulate the NAO v6 robot in gazebo harmonic and control it using ROS 2 humble. I am planning to use the ros-naoqi stack for this. I wanted to know can we use the driver and perform actions like "kick" or "stand up". 
In the teleoperation commands, it looks like we can only provide linear and angular velocity. Could anyone please let me how we could perform those action? 

Taylor Veltrop

Dec 8, 2023, 4:22:41 AM12/8/23
to ROS Sig Aldebaran
You'll need to extend the functionality by using the NAOqi API and bridging that into ROS.  I'd suggest python for these simple bridges.

For standup, you'll want to use the API ALRobotPosture.goToPosture("Stand", 1.0).

For kicking a soccer ball will be more complex, there is no out-of-box API for that.  The simplest way may be to make a kicking animation, and then call ALBehaviorManager.runBehavior("my-movements/my-kick").  You'd need to use Choregraphe to edit that animation/behavior.  Instead of making that animation from scratch, I think you can find something floating around.  IIRC there is a common behaviour out there called "soccer-demonstration".
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