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Autonomous navigation of the pepper robot using tablet

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Krissh Cool

Oct 16, 2023, 1:50:56 PM10/16/23
to ROS Sig Aldebaran
Hi Everyone,

We have a pepper robot and wanted to develop an application for autonomous navigation using the pepper tablet. We are doing with ROS and installed the dependencies and ROS driver for the pepper robot and also installed Python SDK for the tablet. The question is, how can we interlink both tablet and pepper robot using ROS? We want to create a small application on the pepper tablet (for e.g. Buttons). Did someone already develop an application like this using ROS? We need steps/procedure on how to develop the application (autonomous navigation of the pepper robot using pepper tablet). Or can anyone suggest the best way for this application?

Our system specifications:
Ubuntu 16.04
pepper robot : naoqi 2.5

Andrew Blair

Apr 12, 2024, 7:39:14 AM4/12/24
to ROS Sig Aldebaran
Did you come up with a work around for this? We are facing the same problem.

Birhanu Shimelis Girma

Jun 6, 2024, 4:34:41 AM6/6/24
to ROS Sig Aldebaran
I am also working on Pepper Autonomous Navigation and I came across a link, I hope it might help your Idea or problem.

He has tried to implement what you have explained above, except the application development.
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