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Hardware Acceleration Working Group #7

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Víctor Mayoral-Vilches

Mar 8, 2022, 1:29:19 AM3/8/22
to ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG
 Hardware Acceleration Working Group #7
The meeting will start reviewing the progress of the WG. In particular, after last month's discussion around a "Methodology for ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration", we'll touch on a) updates of REP-2008 to reflect the methodology for ROS 2 Hardware acceleration (#22), b) perception hardware acceleration across silicon architectures, wherein we'll compare results of hardware accelerating the simple perception graph of #22 across FPGA and GPU commercial solutions while discussing potential improvements, and c) ROSCon 2022 Hardware Acceleration Workshop !

The session will also include a guest talk provided by Hyunjong Choi, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of California Riverside, which together with his team led PiCAS: New Design of Priority-Driven Chain-Aware Scheduling for ROS2. Hyunjong Choi's research goal is to design safe, predictable, and efficient computing systems, especially in the presence of dynamic timing constraints. He'll tell us about how although ROS2 claims to enhance the real-time capability, ensuring predictable end-to-end chain latency still remains a challenging problem he explored. To address it, their group propose a new priority-driven chain-aware scheduler for the ROS 2 wherein callbacks are prioritized based on the given timing requirements of the corresponding chains so that the end-to-end latency of critical chains can be improved with a predictable bound. They demonstrate interest results with NVIDIA Xavier NX. Worth listening!

Víctor Mayoral-Vilches

Mar 8, 2022, 1:30:14 AM3/8/22
to ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG
ROSCon 2022 Hardware Acceleration Workshop

As a special topic, during this meeting we’ll be discusing the proposal the WG will try and put together for a hardware acceleration workshop during the next ROSCon in-person event in Kyoto. I encourage everyone to consider joining. Besides Kyoto being a fantastic city, it’s about time the community gathers and given the size of this WG, it’d be pretty nice to have F2F discussions.

Over the following few days and weeks, I’ll be contacting a few individuals and groups to put together an agenda but I also wanted to drop a message in here and encourage new folks to participate. If you believe you’ve got something interesting to show/present related to ROS hardware acceleration, please reach out to me or post in here explaining what/how.

Víctor Mayoral-Vilches

Mar 8, 2022, 9:39:38 AM3/8/22
to ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG
(for those asking) further details about the meeting including time and related are available at

The meeting wasn't linked to the invite this time because we're transitioning to Google Meet and Google imposes restrictions on new business accounts (apparently you need to pay and wait 60 days to invite more than 50 individuals to a call).
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