GEDCOM starting point

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Matt Misbach

Apr 19, 2020, 1:52:57 PM4/19/20
I agree with Louis Kessler, a lot of time and words have been spent on improving GEDCOM, and not enough effort. I'd like to suggest a couple starting points to begin actually building/working/developing the next standard.

I've taken two approaches I'd like to share:

1. The approach on this first example was to simply take the existing GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard and translate it to JSON. I then added some minor enhancements (Naming standard, digital media, Linked Data, DNA, etc). If any of the enhancements are too much to swallow we can throw the enhancements out and start at a clean base.

2. Another approach could be to take the existing definitions and package them up in a form specific to the genealogical industry. This has the advantage of using existing industry data structures.

If you think either of these would make a good starting place, please feel free to jump in and suggest edits via pull requests. Or, fork the project and create your own version you feel is appropriate. As we all start to actually develop examples, proposals we'll put ourselves on the path to actually accomplishing the goal.

If neither of these draft proposals look appealing as a starting point, then please produce one of your own. I think when we actually start building samples the discussion will be more productive, and we'll get somewhere faster.

A couple principles to keep in mind:
- The more agreeable we all are, the faster we'll move.
- Recognize that it's okay that your specific issues may not be addressed initially out of the gate.

We have a great opportunity right now to really make a big impact on the future of computerized genealogy that will create amazing efficiencies and open new doors for future advancements.

It's a pleasure to know and associate with many of you.

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